I have an old library file and lost the source code. Is it possible to disassemble it to get the source ? It was built with a Keil compiler, though possibly an older version.
It is generic 8051 code. I know I couldn't get the original C code back, but would be happy with assembler.
if you know enough to include it in a (dummy) program, load the code and dump the memory. you then have a .hex where many disassemblers are available
I had thought of that. The problem I'd face though is not knowing anything about the resulting hex - where code began - what were strings, what was code, etc.
So, I was hoping there would be something in the Keil tool chain that would know that.
If you're a Total Commander user you might like to try:
I used it in the past and managed to see the detail I wanted.
It will detect the DB statement automatically. It will generate two files. You can run them on IDE then try to combine them to a better file.