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uVision 5 - Pack sources to solution folder


I'm beginning a project in uVision 5 with a cortex-m4 µC. I want to use the regular "software packs" provided by the IDE to add the CMSIS functionality which I'm needing for my project.

There is one point which I'm not happy with. This point is that the source code of the CMSIS stuff is directly used from the install folder of KEIL. So I'm wondering if it is possible to automatically copy the packs source code from the install location "C:\..\PACKS\..." to a user defined location inside my project with all the advantages the "software pack manager" provides.

The background is that I use a version management system and would like to archive all sources including the CMSIS stuff.

One way would be to search the files in the install location and copy them by hand into my project, but this wouldn't be very comfortable, so I'm figure there might be a better way to do so?

Thanks in advance!