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How to obtiain ST-LINKIII-KEIL.dll?

Would anyone point me in the right direction?

I am looking to obtain the ST-LINKIII-KEIL.dll.
I am currently using microVision 5.15 and it's set as the Target DLL, but
there is no such dll. There is a ST-LINKIII-KEIL_SWO.dll however, but this
isn't the one.

Your help is much appreciated.

  • Helllo J T,

    the DLL should be in your C:\Keil_v5\ARM\STLink directory. Have you installed the STLink USB drivers:
    1. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Keil_v5\ARM\STLink\USBDriver
    2. Double click on stlink_winusb_install.bat to install the required USB drivers for the on-board ST-Link V2 debug adapter. The drivers will install in the usual fashion.
    3. Update the ST-Link firmware by executing C:\Keil_v5\ARM\STLink\ST-LinkUpgrade.exe. The best ST-Link V2 firmware to use is V2.J23.S0 or later. You can identify the version installed in your board with this Upgrade utility. You need the Discovery board connected to your PC as described below to change its firmware.

    Kind regards,


  • Helllo J T,

    the DLL should be in your C:\Keil_v5\ARM\STLink directory. Have you installed the STLink USB drivers:
    1. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Keil_v5\ARM\STLink\USBDriver
    2. Double click on stlink_winusb_install.bat to install the required USB drivers for the on-board ST-Link V2 debug adapter. The drivers will install in the usual fashion.
    3. Update the ST-Link firmware by executing C:\Keil_v5\ARM\STLink\ST-LinkUpgrade.exe. The best ST-Link V2 firmware to use is V2.J23.S0 or later. You can identify the version installed in your board with this Upgrade utility. You need the Discovery board connected to your PC as described below to change its firmware.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi Christopher,

    Thanks for the detailed explanation.
    I have installed the USB drivers and updated the firmware version V2.J24.S0 through the
    Unfortunately however, there is no ST-LINKIII-KEIL.dll present in the STLink directory.

    My Keil was not installed in C:\, but rather in S:\embedded\Keil\. I presume this
    would not matter.

    The files currently in the S:\embedded\Keil\ARM\STLink\ directory are:

    • USBDriver/
    • Error.log
    • ST-LinkUpgrade
    • STLinkUSBDriver.dll
    • stm32f10xGloader
    • stm32f10xLoader
    • stm32F20xLoader
    • stm32l15xLoader
    • stm32wLoader

    I also think Error.log is unrelated. It's from the 8th of July and says

    ******** xxx ********
    ******************* GDI DUMP => Date : Wed Jul 08 00:35:16 2015
    STLinkUSBDriver.dll loaded
    ST-Link serial number (-O8334) not found; opening the (lonely) connected ST-Link (SN=303030303030303030303031)
    ST-Link/V2 device detected
    The detected STM32 firmware version (V2.J14) is compatible with PC software but is not the most recent one
    The detected STM32 firmware version (V2.J14) does not support the JCLK frequency selection. Default frequency kept.
    Target voltage detected: 2.884521
    Unknown JTAG chain detected on target: check JTAG connection
    Error (7) while initializing ST-Link in JTAG mode
    **** End of GDI DUMP ****

    I will try to install Keil on another system and hopefully so obtain the DLL file.

  • Hello J T,

    but that's exactly how I have it. Have you tried to connect to the ST device after the installation? It should work now.

    Kind regards,


  • The firmware on your board / ST-LINK adapter needs to be updated. You use version 2.14 and that is
    quite old and not supported by the actually debugger software. Version "2J24S0" is the actually supported version.
    Just download the "STM32 ST-Link Utility" from ST and do a firmware update. This should solve your problem and
    fix some bug issues the same time.


  • He updated the firmware earlier.

    Need to double check the "ST-LINK" selected in debugger/utilites options

  • Ok, so why exactly can't you use ST-LINKIII-KEIL_SWO.dll? Do you have some old antiquated project with stale Target settings? Can you refresh those? Honestly it strikes me you're approaching this problem backward.

    Stock install of MDK515 with the CM pack, connects up with an ST-LINK V2J24S0, no issues.

    Both DLL appeared around uV4.50 and the non-SWO disappeared in uV4.71a

  • Error (7) while initializing ST-Link in JTAG mode <<---

    Does this are an external ST-Link Adapter or an on-board programmer?

    The on-Board Programmer does'nt support JTAG - needs SWD selected instead.

    Just load the STM32 ST-LINK Utility and connect the Adapter. Does this works?

  • Thanks for the many replies.
    I think I forgot to mention why I am looking to obtain ST-LINKIII-KEIL.dll.

    I can update the firmware on the board just fine.
    It's just that according to Keil uVision 5 I need the DLL.

    I am trying to compile and debug a simple IO_Toggle application.
    compilation and linking is successful, but in the menu, once I go to

    Debug > Start/Stop Debug session

    I first get the message:

    RUNNING with Code Size Limit: 32K

    And thereafter:

    Cannot load driver S:\Keil\ARM\STLink\ST-LINKIII-KEIL.dll
    Possible Reasons:
    - Driver DLL could not be found in the specified path
    - Driver DLL requires additional DLL's whihc are not installed
    - Required Hardware Drivers are not installed
    Debugger aborted!

    I am not sure why it's looking for that DLL if my installation directory does not even have it.
    Do I have to edit some configuration settings?

  • I suspect you can go to the "Device" pane for the project options, and reselect the target CPU, or change it back and forth, to refresh the settings. In the "Debug" pane reselect the "ST-Link Debugger", and make sure it can see the chip in SWD mode, and finally goto the "Utility" pane, and either check "Use Debug Driver", or select "ST-Link Debugger" again.

    Failing that just go into the ASCII project file itself and change the DLL name to the new one.

    It might be helpful to state exactly where this project was pulled from.

  • Reselecting the target chip and in the Flash Configure Tools menu reselecting
    ST-Link Debugger and in the 'Settings > Debug' changing the Port from JTAG to SW, as DD4DA Gerd suggested worked.

    So, in the end I think it was a configuration issue.
    Thanks for all your help.

  • I just had this same issue with a STM32373C-EVAL board.

    ST came through with a fix:

    1- Open the project options.
    2- Select the Debug tab.
    3- Select ST-Link as debug hardware.
    4- Click on Settings
    5- Click OK on the Target Driver Setup form.
    6- Select the Utilities tab.
    7- Check Use Debug Driver.
    8- Click OK.

    - it worked!