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cc2530, zigbee communication problem

i work on a cc2530 chip and i have few problem with my zigbee communication.

I can not transmit a data between two module.

I was inspired of this website :

And my code is:

#include <CC2510.H>

// Global Constants
#define  FRMFILT0   XREG( 0x6180 )
#define  FREQCTRL   XREG( 0x618F )
#define  TXPOWER   XREG( 0x6190 )
#define  CCACTRL0   XREG( 0x6196 )
#define  FSCAL1   XREG( 0x61AE )
#define  TXFILTCFG   XREG(0x61FA)
#define  AGCCTRL1   XREG(0x61B2)
#define  AGCCTRL2   XREG(0x61B3)

#define  RFIRQM0   XREG(0x61A3)
#define  FSMSTAT1   XREG(0x6193)


// Function PROTOTYPES
void PORT_Init (void);
void sendUart(char mot);
void serial_IT(void);
void Rf_send (char*pbuf, int len);
void RF_ERR(void);
void RF_GEN(void);

// MAIN Routine
void main (void)


// PORT_Init
void PORT_Init (void)
        P0INP = 0x00; //Port 0 Input Mode
        P1INP = 0x00; //Port 1 Input Mode
        P2INP = 0x00; //Port 2 Input Mode

        P0SEL = 0x0C; //Port 0 Function Select, P02 et P03 Uart0
        P1SEL = 0x00; //Port 1 Function Select
        P2SEL = 0x00; //Port 2 Function Select

        P0DIR = 0x04; //Port 0 Direction,P02 en output(TX)
        P1DIR = 0x13; //Port 1 Direction, p10,P11,p14 en output
        P2DIR = 0x00; //Port 2 Direction

        P0 = 0x00;
        P1 = 0x00;
        P2 = 0x00;
        U0CSR |= 0x80;//Uart 0 control r0x86, enable UART mode
        U0BAUD = 0xEF;//USART 0 Baud Rate Control, BAUD_M //augmenté un peu pour obtenir la bonne valeur
        U0GCR = 0x09;//USART 0 Generic Control, BAUD_E
        URX0IE = 1;//USART0 RX Interrupt Enable

        U0CSR |= 0x40;

        //init rf
        FRMFILT0 =0x0C; // static receiving filter, which receives all packets
        TXPOWER =0xD5; // transmitting power is 1dBm
        FREQCTRL =0x0B; // select channel 11
        CCACTRL0 =0xF8; // smartRF software to generate the recommended value

        //READ seaction 23.15.1 p 259, c'est recommandé de faire ça
        FSCAL1 = 0x00;
        TXFILTCFG = 0x09;
        AGCCTRL1 = 0x15;
        AGCCTRL2 = 0xFE;
        TXFILTCFG = 0x09;

        RFIRQM0 |= (1<<6); // RF data packet receiving interrupt enable
        IEN2 |= (1<<0); // RF interrupt enable

        RFST =0xED; // remove RF receive buffer ISFLUSHRX
        RFST =0xE3; // RF receiver enable ISRXON

        EA = 1; //global interruption

void sendUart(char mot)
        U0DBUF = mot;

void serial_IT(void) interrupt 2
                char mot;
                P1 = 0x13;

          mot = U0DBUF;

// RF Error Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)
void RF_ERR (void) interrupt 0
        P1 = 0x01;

// RF generail Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)
void RF_GEN (void) interrupt 16
        EA =0;
        P1 = 0x02;
        // receives a complete packet
        if (RFIF&0x40 == 1)  //flag reception bit 7 sur 8.
                //P1 = 0x13;
                //(rf_receive_isr); // call receiving interrupt handling function
                S1CON =0; // clear interrupt flag
                RFIF =RFIF & 0xBF ; // RF after receiving the packet interrupt clear
        EA =1;

void Rf_send (char*pbuf, int len)
        int  i = 0;

        RFST =0xE3; // RF receiver enable ISRXON
        //The state is not active and waiting to send / not receiving SFD
        while (FSMSTAT1 & (1<<1)==1);
        while (FSMSTAT1 & (1<<5)==1);

        RFIRQM0 &=~ (1<<6); // prohibit receiving data packet interrupt
        IEN2 &=~ (1<<0); // remove RF global interrupt

        RFST =0xEE; // clear ISFLUSHTX send buffer
        RFIRQF1 = RFIRQF1 & ~(1 << 1);

        // filling the buffer filling process need to add 2 bytes, CRC check automatic filling
        RFD = len+2;
        for (i=0;i<len; i++)

        RFST =0xE9; // send packet ISTXON

        while(RFIRQF1 & 0x02 == 0);// wait for sent
        RFIRQF1 = RFIRQF1 & ~(1 << 1); // clear to send complete flag

        RFIRQM0 |= (1<<6); // RX interrupt reception
        IEN2 |= (1<<0);

I have no interruption on the receiver but the transmitter seems to send correctly.

Have you an idea of a solution?

Sorry for my bad english, i'm french.