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Using ARM Compiler 6.5 instead of ARMCC in an CMSIS environment


I tried to test the Keil Compiler V6.5 with a simple demo project (using CMSIS for UART) based on an STM32F4xx and with the CMSIS RTOS (Keil RTX).

To my surprise (I thought using only standard components from CMSIS would be no problem) the build failed (for example __weak is unknown to clang and widely used, but although the use of the Keil RTX fails due to missing #defines).

So I'm wondering if there is any easy way to migrate from ARMCC to the ARM Compiler 6.5 (clang) in an CMSIS environment? I already found the migration guide suggesting what to change but I'm not really happy making changes in the CMSIS sources, so I hope there might be a better way.

Thanks in advance!