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some questions about GPIO under cmsis library

I want to work with CMSIS library for stm32f1.I have some question that I will thank you for your help

1)As you see in this picture I have added CMSIS library but it shows me "file not found" or "error in chain", what is my mistake?

2)for defining a GPIO port as input or output I see we have some functions in "GPIO_STM32F10x.h" CMSIS library but it seems we don't have any good references that explain each function very well(you can google "GPIO_PinConfigure" but there isn't any site...)

for example for GPIO_PinConfigure function we have:

  \fn          bool GPIO_PinConfigure (GPIO_TypeDef      *GPIOx,
                                       uint32_t           num,
                                       GPIO_CONF          conf,
                                       GPIO_MODE          mode)
  \brief       Configure port pin
  \param[in]   GPIOx         Pointer to GPIO peripheral
  \param[in]   num           Port pin number
  \param[in]   mode          \ref GPIO_MODE
  \param[in]   conf          \ref GPIO_CONF
  \return      true  - success
               false - error
bool GPIO_PinConfigure(GPIO_TypeDef *GPIOx, uint32_t num, GPIO_CONF conf,
                                                          GPIO_MODE mode) {

  return true;

where can I find what GPIO_CONF , GPIO_MODE are ? and what does "\ref " mean before it's comment?