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How to change values in LCD on LIVE.....


here i am trying to change some values in LCD on live using keypad....i dont know how to change .plz guide me how to change values in LCD otherwise suzzes any datasheet....upto know i didnt find any information related this topic....(4x20 LCD)

  • What specific display are you talking about? Make, Model, Datasheet, Website?
    What controller does your display use?
    What specifically are you attaching it too, and with what pins?
    Does Google or Bing work in India?
    Do your teachers have responsibility for providing training and support?

    You are not writing a telegram, use sentences and whole English words. Currently it looks like unprofessional gibberish, and will limit your employment opportunities.

    These small LCD displays are used prolifically with micro-controllers, lots of examples are available on the web, and portable to your hardware. Keil has several 16x2 type examples, which likely use the exact same controllers. Plenty of books and tutorials on such things.