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Web server becomes blocked

Hi, I have been using the Keil embedded web server on a ARM Cortex M3 processor which is incorportated into the Smartfusion System on chip.
The processor is used to control a box of electronics to control a microwave device.

I connect the device to the company VLAN and control it remotely from my Windows PC. All has being going well for the best part of a year until recently, because now the server appears to become "blocked".

I have used my very limited knowledge of networks and i/p and have listed my experiences below.

The unit has a static i/p address which was assigned by the IT department to be solely used by me. When the unit becomes unresponsive, it is not possible to communicate with it or even ping it. The two leds on the RJ45 socket on the unit shine solidly. If I switch the unit off and on, after around two seconds, the leds show solidly again.

At this point, if I connect "point to point" directly from my PC to the unit (with my PC set to a static address), then I can communicate normally. I'm thinking that the company VLAN is preventing network traffic for some reason.

With the unit in this state, I continued normal software development for some time using the point-to-point connection. I happened to re-connect to the VLAN some time later (it may have been hours or a day) and it appeared that the block had gone, only to return a couple of weeks later.

This has happended subsequently, the "block" appears temporary. I did a bit of digging around on the web and decide to change a number of parameters on a blocked unit to see if it could be "unblocked".

I changed:
1. The i/p address was changed to a different static i/p address
2. The mac address was changes (the web server lets you co this, surprisingly).
3. The host name

When I fired up the unit it was still blocked. Just to be certain, I put a while loop trap at the top of main and fired up the unit, with no change. I'm thinking that there must be some hardware block. We have a DP83848CVVX/NOPB Texas Instruments TxRx Internet Phyter connected to the RJ45 socket.

Can anyone suggest the best way for me to proceed with this?
Any help much appreciated!

Regards, John