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Event lost when sending through the USB to receiver


I am using stm32f103RBT6 Microcontroller For sending timestamp in millisecond through usb to a receiver . The program works fine when when i am testing in keil uvision before sending through usb but after sending through usb in receiver software it's missing a event (sometime it does lose event and sometimes not). Can anyone please tell me where the problem can be ? the code is too long to pçst here so i can't upload the whole program. Will really appreciate any help. Thanks

Here is the Fifo stack part

typedef struct FifoStack
u16 u16EventTimeStampMSPart;    //This variable have only the ms part!!!
u32 u32EventTimeStamp;       // This variable have only the s part!!!
u8 u8EventInput;

// Private function prototypes -------------------------------------------------
void UsbConnect(void);
void StackPush(u32 u32EventTime, u16 u16EventTimeMS, u8 u8Input);
u8 StackPop(SFIFO_STACK *psFifoStack);
void GetMessage(u8 *pu8Buffer);
void TaskFilter(void);

// *****************************************************************************
/// @brief Function that saves an event in cell
/// @fn void StackPush(u32 u32EventTime, u16 u16EventTimeMS, u8 u8Input)
/// @param[in] u32EventTime @brief Event time
/// @param[in] u16EventTimeMS @brief Event time, ms part ASIF
/// @param[in] u8Input @brief Entry number that generated the event
// *****************************************************************************
void StackPush(u32 u32EventTime, u16 u16EventTimeMS, u8 u8Input)
if ((s16StackWriteIndex + 1) != s16StackReadIndex)   // checks for stack space
sFifo[s16StackWriteIndex].u16EventTimeStampMSPart = u16EventTimeMS;   //saves the time stamp on the stack, part MS

sFifo[s16StackWriteIndex].u32EventTimeStamp = u32EventTime;    // saves the time stamp on the stack

sFifo[s16StackWriteIndex].u8EventInput = u8Input;    //saves the digital input on the stack

s16StackWriteIndex++;    // incrementing the write index

if (s16StackWriteIndex >= STACK_SIZE)   // make circular written index
s16StackWriteIndex = 0;

// *****************************************************************************
/// @brief Function that retrieves a cell event
/// @fn u8 StackPop(SFIFO_STACK *psFifoStack)
/// @param[out] psFifoStack @brief Event
/// @retval TRUE, se ok
// *****************************************************************************
u8 StackPop(SFIFO_STACK *psFifoStack)
if (s16StackReadIndex != s16StackWriteIndex)   // checks for data on the stack
psFifoStack->u16EventTimeStampMSPart = sFifo[s16StackReadIndex].u16EventTimeStampMSPart; //search timestamp cell, part MS

psFifoStack->u32EventTimeStamp = sFifo[s16StackReadIndex].u32EventTimeStamp;  // search timestamp cell

psFifoStack->u8EventInput = sFifo[s16StackReadIndex].u8EventInput; // search the digital input cell number

s16StackReadIndex++; // incrementing the read index
if (s16StackReadIndex >= STACK_SIZE) // make the reading rate is circular
s16StackReadIndex = 0;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;

  • I posted a image here

    This is the code for receiver software

    Communication file

    #include "communication.h"
    #include <QStringList>
    #include "msgbox.h"
    #include "hiddevice.h"

    { thread = new QThread(); mutex; rcv = new Reception((QObject*)this); rcv->moveToThread(thread); connect(this,SIGNAL(Rx_Again()),rcv,SLOT(doWork()));

    void Communication::StartRX()
    { if(thread->isRunning() == false) thread->start(); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(rcv, "doWork", Qt::QueuedConnection);

    int Communication::ConfigPort(QByteArray Str)
    { return serial.Init(0x483,0x473);

    int Communication::Recv()
    { int res = 0; if(mutex.tryLock()) { res = serial.Read(32); mutex.unlock(); } return res;

    void Communication::CallRxAgain()
    { emit Rx_Again();

    int Communication::SaveRXdata()
    { return 0;

    void Communication::ComRX()
    { emit Rx_Finish();

    void Communication::Send(Packet* data)
    { int err; // serial.ClearBufferTX(); memset(&serial.bufferTX,0,HidDevice::BUFFER_SIZE); memcpy(&serial.bufferTX[0], data->Pack()->data(), data->Pack()->size()); err = serial.Write(serial.bufferTX, 32);


    void Communication::ClosePort()
    { serial.Close();

    QByteArray Communication::getRX_Data()
    { QByteArray res = QByteArray((char*)serial.bufferRX,31); return res;

    void Communication::run()


    { if(thread->isRunning()) thread->deleteLater();

    M'todo para recep''o dos dados
    Reception::Reception(QObject* t)
    { comclass = t;

    M'todo para recep''o dos dados
    void Reception::doWork()
    { int recvBytes = -1; while( (recvBytes = ((Communication*)comclass)->Recv()) < 0 ) { if (recvBytes < 0) printf("RecvBytes < 0 !!!"); }


    Hid device File

    #include "hiddevice.h"

    { memset(&bufferTX[0], 0, BUFFER_SIZE); memset(&bufferRX[0], 0, BUFFER_SIZE);

    // *****************************************************************************
    /// @brief Inicializa a HID
    /// @fn int SerialPort:: Init(QByteArray s)
    /// param[in] QByteArray s
    /// @brief Serial port address
    /// retval SProcess Status: Failed-1; 0-Success
    // *****************************************************************************
    int HidDevice::Init(unsigned short vendor_id, unsigned short product_id)
    { int res;
    #define MAX_STR 255 wchar_t wstr[MAX_STR]; // Open the device using the VID, PID, // and optionally the Serial number. handle = hid_open(vendor_id, product_id, NULL); // res = hid_get_manufacturer_string(handle, wstr, MAX_STR); // qDebug("Manufacturer String: %s\n", wstr); // Read the Product String res = hid_get_product_string(handle, wstr, MAX_STR); qDebug("Product String: %ls\n", wstr); hid_set_nonblocking(handle,0);

    if(handle==0) return 0; else return 1;

    void HidDevice::Close()
    { if (handle > 0) hid_close(handle);


    int HidDevice::Read(void)
    { return Read(BUFFER_SIZE);

    int HidDevice::Read(int nb)
    { int n_bytes_rx = 0, timeout_flag = 1; // HidDevice::ClearBuffers(); memset (bufferRX, 0, nb);//zera o buffer de recepcao timeout_flag = hid_read(handle, bufferRX, nb); if (timeout_flag < 0) n_bytes_rx = TIMEOUT; return n_bytes_rx;

    int HidDevice::Write(unsigned char *buffer_tx, int n_bytes)
    { int counter; counter = hid_write(handle, buffer_tx, n_bytes); return counter;

  • I posted a image here

    This is the code for receiver software

    Communication file

    #include "communication.h"
    #include <QStringList>
    #include "msgbox.h"
    #include "hiddevice.h"

    { thread = new QThread(); mutex; rcv = new Reception((QObject*)this); rcv->moveToThread(thread); connect(this,SIGNAL(Rx_Again()),rcv,SLOT(doWork()));

    void Communication::StartRX()
    { if(thread->isRunning() == false) thread->start(); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(rcv, "doWork", Qt::QueuedConnection);

    int Communication::ConfigPort(QByteArray Str)
    { return serial.Init(0x483,0x473);

    int Communication::Recv()
    { int res = 0; if(mutex.tryLock()) { res = serial.Read(32); mutex.unlock(); } return res;

    void Communication::CallRxAgain()
    { emit Rx_Again();

    int Communication::SaveRXdata()
    { return 0;

    void Communication::ComRX()
    { emit Rx_Finish();

    void Communication::Send(Packet* data)
    { int err; // serial.ClearBufferTX(); memset(&serial.bufferTX,0,HidDevice::BUFFER_SIZE); memcpy(&serial.bufferTX[0], data->Pack()->data(), data->Pack()->size()); err = serial.Write(serial.bufferTX, 32);


    void Communication::ClosePort()
    { serial.Close();

    QByteArray Communication::getRX_Data()
    { QByteArray res = QByteArray((char*)serial.bufferRX,31); return res;

    void Communication::run()


    { if(thread->isRunning()) thread->deleteLater();

    M'todo para recep''o dos dados
    Reception::Reception(QObject* t)
    { comclass = t;

    M'todo para recep''o dos dados
    void Reception::doWork()
    { int recvBytes = -1; while( (recvBytes = ((Communication*)comclass)->Recv()) < 0 ) { if (recvBytes < 0) printf("RecvBytes < 0 !!!"); }


    Hid device File

    #include "hiddevice.h"

    { memset(&bufferTX[0], 0, BUFFER_SIZE); memset(&bufferRX[0], 0, BUFFER_SIZE);

    // *****************************************************************************
    /// @brief Inicializa a HID
    /// @fn int SerialPort:: Init(QByteArray s)
    /// param[in] QByteArray s
    /// @brief Serial port address
    /// retval SProcess Status: Failed-1; 0-Success
    // *****************************************************************************
    int HidDevice::Init(unsigned short vendor_id, unsigned short product_id)
    { int res;
    #define MAX_STR 255 wchar_t wstr[MAX_STR]; // Open the device using the VID, PID, // and optionally the Serial number. handle = hid_open(vendor_id, product_id, NULL); // res = hid_get_manufacturer_string(handle, wstr, MAX_STR); // qDebug("Manufacturer String: %s\n", wstr); // Read the Product String res = hid_get_product_string(handle, wstr, MAX_STR); qDebug("Product String: %ls\n", wstr); hid_set_nonblocking(handle,0);

    if(handle==0) return 0; else return 1;

    void HidDevice::Close()
    { if (handle > 0) hid_close(handle);


    int HidDevice::Read(void)
    { return Read(BUFFER_SIZE);

    int HidDevice::Read(int nb)
    { int n_bytes_rx = 0, timeout_flag = 1; // HidDevice::ClearBuffers(); memset (bufferRX, 0, nb);//zera o buffer de recepcao timeout_flag = hid_read(handle, bufferRX, nb); if (timeout_flag < 0) n_bytes_rx = TIMEOUT; return n_bytes_rx;

    int HidDevice::Write(unsigned char *buffer_tx, int n_bytes)
    { int counter; counter = hid_write(handle, buffer_tx, n_bytes); return counter;

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