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expected identifier error

Hello everyone,

I've been trying to make a struct and compiler gives me expected identifier error. Can anyone tell me where is my fault?

struct State {
  unsigned long Out1;
        unsigned long out2;
  unsigned long Time;
  unsigned long Next[8];};

        typedef const struct State STyp;
        #define gow 0;
        #define waitw 1;
        #define gos 2;
        #define waits 3;
        #define gop 4;
        #define fastp 5;

        STyp FSM[6]={
        {0x0c,0x02,500,{gow,gow,wait,waitw,waitw,wait,wait,wait }},//error: expected'}' error: expected identifier or '('
        {0x24,0x02,200,{gow,gow,gos,gow,gow,gow,gos,gow}}}; //error: extraneous closing brance ('}')

Thank you,