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ffind function not serching the file

The parallel Nand flash memory is interfaced with lpc1788 and file system is also implemented using keil library.

i have labeled the drive "MyDrv" while formating and created a folder with the name "Proto".
I create files with extensions '*.txt'.
Now before creating, the code searches in the nand memory (ffind), if file with the same name exists, then the function returns back and does not create a file.

for eg: i create a file with name 'Asp.txt' in proto folder. and fill it with some data. after the file is created, when i search for the same file using 'ffind("Proto\Asp.txt", &info)', it returns '0x1' (which indicates no such file found) and hence the function does not return.

but when i search 'Proto\Asp*.txt' it returns '0x0'.

The question is do i have to perform searches with '*' character (wildcard *)? cant we search for exact name using ffind('Proto\Asp.txt', &info)??

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