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I am using MCB2300 kit(lpc2368).Willing to send data through Ethernet. I found few codes and when compiled in uvision 4 , its giving code limited error as it is evaluation version.Are any light weight TCP/IP stacks available through which basic Ethernet configuration with MCB2300 can be done and send data without size limitation error.
Thanks in advance.

  • I don't think so - TCP/IP stacks are complicated beasts so even if you do find a stack that fits in 32kB, you would still need space for your own code.

    If you switch to the freely available gcc compiler, then you don't have to fight any code size limitations. But on the other hand, you will not have the nice Keil debugger with dialogs to present all peripherial states and the ability to simulate most of the processor.

  • I don't think so - TCP/IP stacks are complicated beasts so even if you do find a stack that fits in 32kB, you would still need space for your own code.

    If you switch to the freely available gcc compiler, then you don't have to fight any code size limitations. But on the other hand, you will not have the nice Keil debugger with dialogs to present all peripherial states and the ability to simulate most of the processor.

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