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Scatter loading trouble

I have found this in the user manual of the linker:

L6788E: Scatter-loading of execution region <er1name> will cause the contents of execution region <er2name> to be corrupted at run-time.

This occurs when scatter-loading takes place and an execution region is put in a position where is overwrites partially or wholly another execution region; be it itself or another one.


This will work:

LOAD_ROM 0x0000 0x4000

   EXEC1 0x0000 0x4000
       * (+RO)

   EXEC2 0x4000 0x4000
      * (+RW,+ZI)

This will generate the error:

LOAD_ROM 0x0000 0x4000

   EXEC1 0x4000 0x4000
      * (+RW,+ZI)

   EXEC2 0x0000 0x4000
      * (+RO)

Error: L6788E: Scatter-loading of execution region EXEC2 will cause the contents of execution region EXEC2 to be corrupted at run-time.

I have read the relevant chapters, but I don't understand WHY the second example generates an error. can somebody give me a hint?