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need help immediately


software is this but pll=5-2 mam=1-7 i tried
i can see only 1.5 mhz out.i must see araund 30 mhz because my crystal is 12 mhz*5=60 mhz

how can i solve this problem?

  • There are two issues:

    1. You need to get some knowledge about instruction timing on ARM. Your program has not just 2 single cycle instructions, but more.

    2. The device that you are using might have FASTIO registers. There is a significant performance difference then.

  • There are two issues:

    1. You need to get some knowledge about instruction timing on ARM. Your program has not just 2 single cycle instructions, but more.

    2. The device that you are using might have FASTIO registers. There is a significant performance difference then.

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