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PC-LINT ERROR 129 In RTX Header File - RTL.H


We are attempting to run PC-Lint (version 8.00u) on our
Keil project which uses the RL-ARM Real-Time Library Version V3.24.

We have set up PC-Lint to use the latest example PC-Lint Configuration File for the CARM Compiler as downloaded from Keil's web-site. File name:CO-RV.LNT

Lint reports the following error in RTX's rtl.h header file.

C:\Keil\ARM\RV31\INC\rtl.h(351,7): Error 129: declaration expected, identifier 'FINFO' ignored

FINFO is a defined structure in rtl.h as follows

typedef struct {
   S8  name[256];
   U32 size;
   U16 fileID;
   U8  attrib;
   struct {
      U8  hr;
      U8  min;
      U8  sec;
      U8  day;
      U8  mon;
      U16 year;
   } time;

Obviously we are loathe to start changing any of the supplied RTX OS header files.

To simplify the problem we created a new empty project with just the include directive:

#include <rtl.h>

Error 129 in rtl.h is still reported by PC-Lint.

Does anyone know how to resolve this Lint error?

Thank you
