hi pople, i want to make a program to get the message on my displayw ith it scrooliong from left to rigt and down. and i need the keybaored to choos. has nu bodey got the code for me to see.
this is v urgant and i need it quickeley so email me on lashar859@gmail.com with the code now.
Troll or classmate?
When you get the code plz post here for me bcoz i Want to Do the projekt To.
If you want to do the project, then just get on and do it!
Simply copying someone else's work does not count as doing the project!
yo minfrak, gieve me youre email adrsesss now.
how yo minfrak her again, we have the coded. you have email adresers now laremay and we share?
Dear god,
Please never allow these two clowns and others like them approach anything mission critical. Please keep them away from:
* Flight control system * ABS * Weapon system * Public transport * Navigation equipment etc.
May they end up trashing software for MP3 players and camera.
Would you find out that your semester photos are black because of them? Or that your MP3 batteries are broken because they forgot to stop draining them (or stop charging them)?
I have to assume they are trolls, because it would be horrible to think that so stupid people can exist.
poepel, i woz here for help and to help U. U gaeve me nuthin! and U are pempus! i got it now. thx 4 nuthink.
I wish that anyone that 'help' someone by posting/e-mailing "here is the code you need" will end up with whoever they 'helped' as their assistant, and management telling them "now you are two, do twice as much".
This does NOT refer to real help e.g. answering "why does this part of the code I have written not work as I expect"
Most people who do help with source code are about as lousy programmers themselves, so it is often very crappy code that gets posted.
With a bit of luck, more than one "programmer" will have the same code rejected by their teacher. With even more luck, the teacher will notice that several persons can't manage to produce identical crap containing identical errors and will start an investigation into the original source of the code.