i need the circuit diagram of MAX 232 connection with 89C51 .Actually i want 89C51 TO COMMUNICATE serially with computer..PLZ help me out
"can u send me any prog in assembley"
What - any program?
Sure - here is something in some assembler:
ProgStart: call _flushallmenus call _runindicoff LoadRoutine: ld hl,RoutineStart ld de,_alt_on_exec ld bc,200 ld de,$28 ld a,(_alt_on_exec) ld hl,_alt_on_chksum + $28 add a,(hl) add hl,de add a,(hl) add hl,de add a,(hl) add hl,de add a,(hl) add hl,de add a,(hl) ld (_alt_on_chksum),a set 3,(iy + $23) ret RoutineStart: .org _alt_on_exec in a,(5) push af ld a,$0d out (5),a call _clrScrn call _homeup ld hl,TextToDisplay call _puts call _newline pop af out (5),a ret