i need the circuit diagram of MAX 232 connection with 89C51 .Actually i want 89C51 TO COMMUNICATE serially with computer..PLZ help me out
DUDE i am trying to watch the result on hyper terminal can u send me any prog in assembley
1) I need the schema to a ... 2) Can you send me any prog ... 3) Can you come and solder together the unit? 4) Can you come and flash my processor? 5) Can you write my report, so I can turn it in?
you forgot DUDE:
trevlig helg
Ah, but I did look for earlier posts in the thread, but didn't find anyone named DUDE. However, it made me think about John Wayne - Duke.
Trevlig helg sjaelv!
(This forum doesn't support UTF-8 even if the encoding says UTF-8...)
Behold the future of engineering. Cheap, but clueless.
"can u send me any prog in assembley"
What - any program?
Sure - here is something in some assembler:
ProgStart: call _flushallmenus call _runindicoff LoadRoutine: ld hl,RoutineStart ld de,_alt_on_exec ld bc,200 ld de,$28 ld a,(_alt_on_exec) ld hl,_alt_on_chksum + $28 add a,(hl) add hl,de add a,(hl) add hl,de add a,(hl) add hl,de add a,(hl) add hl,de add a,(hl) ld (_alt_on_chksum),a set 3,(iy + $23) ret RoutineStart: .org _alt_on_exec in a,(5) push af ld a,$0d out (5),a call _clrScrn call _homeup ld hl,TextToDisplay call _puts call _newline pop af out (5),a ret