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Problem with Filesystem MMI/SD Card

Regarding the thread "Flash file system problem" by Gennady Palitsky 2007-Apr-22,
I came to the same point,where I have to create a Heap (8k) and copied retarget.c from C:\Keil\ARM\Boards\Keil\MCB2300\RL\FlashFS\SD_File to my application.

The problem I have is different:
Stepping the following code, after "retv = finit( );" the program counter jumps back to the beginning of this function over and over.

* Initializing MMC/SD Interface (SPI-MODE)
* retv: 0 ok, 1 failed

U32 mmc_init (void)
U32 retv;

        spi_init( );

  retv = finit ();
  if (retv == 1) { printf ("\nSD/MMC Init Failed"); }
    printf ("\nSD/MMC Card is Unformatted");
    strcpy ((char*)str, "SWMZ\r\n");
    cmd_format ((char*)str);
    retv = finit ();


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