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How to Test Compiler Benchmark Performance about HPC?

Hello ,

I'm relatively new to working with ARM compilers and I'm eager to dive into testing their benchmark performance. However, I find myself facing a bit of a roadblock as I'm not entirely sure where to start or what steps to follow. I would greatly appreciate any guidance or advice from experienced members of the community.

As a beginner, I have some basic understanding of compilers, but I lack practical experience when it comes to benchmarking their performance. Here are a few specific questions I have:

  1. Selection of Benchmark Suite: What benchmark suites would you recommend for someone starting out in testing ARM compiler performance? Are there any that are particularly beginner-friendly or widely used within the ARM community? 

    I use rodinia and HeCbench to verifition and validation, but I feel those test suites are not insufficient, could you give me more advices?

  2. ths post :, and refer some test suite, like Industry Benchmark, Genomics. but I didn't found them.

could you help me ? thanks too much ~
