I am interested in learning the ARM system and embedded programming but exclusively use a MAC with OS X. Does anyone have or know of how to get and IDE set up and running on OS X?
WHy choose a a restricted platform to develop on a great open firmware cpu
Hello Sempere,
The mbed SDK is now Open Source.
Using the online compiler makes it easy to use ARM compiler.
Of course, you are free to set up an Eclipse environment with gcc, but, as jensbauer could highlight, setting it up on mac is not always immediate (especially on his exotic config )
Is there any tutorial you'd advise?
Hi Jens, welcome back!
It was imgwstarr who was asking about OS X
Hi albanrampon sorry for not being here for a while.
Before I start, I'd like to ask you imgwstarr, are you using an intel based Mac or a PowerPC based Mac ?
If you have a PowerPC based Mac, I might be able to throw together an entire installer (I've prepared it already); it consists of git, GCC, GDB and the latest OpenOCD 0.8.0.
-But I could also guide you through building the entire systems yourself; this will probably be required if you're using an intel-based Mac, since I do not have access to one.
Thank you, it's good to be back - though, it will be even better, the day I get internet at my house.
Woops, sorry. I think I didn't notice because blue reads easier than grey. It's now corrected.