AXI transaction failure

Hello everyone,

I'm pretty new to axi and i still try to figure things out. I'm using Zybo device and created a custom ip with a master and a slave interfaces. I have create design as you can see in the below. Write transaction is work however, read transaction does not. 

However i have test it by using AXI Verification IP and following this tutorial . It worked as you can see below. After the design below, i put interconnect between VIP and myIP, it also worked. I believe problem is the PS. I really appreciate if you help me.


Thank you very much.

  • Hi Kaya,

    I came to the same question as yours. My AXI peripheral ip M00_AXI to PS S_AXI_GP0 connection is not working. But it could pass through AXI verification IP simulation. Did you figure it out? Any idea what's might be the cause. I also think the PS should be responsible for it, but don't know what needs to be done. Thanks for your time, any prompts will be appreciated.