A popular IDE for Arm-based MCUs from various vendors to use for C++ embedded programming

Hi all,

As a C++ programmer I would like to start using it in the embedded world. For that I wish to be familiar with a popular IDE on which I can write projects for ARM-based MCUs, from different vendors, be it of ST or others, and get help when running across a problem. 

I've some titles in mind such as: IAR and Keil. What are your ideas, please?


  • Thank you for your answers. That was a great help. 
    I have an idea: I try to fix the current problem with St link v2 and STM32Cube IDE. If I can work it out and since the current and next MCUs I work on are of ST, so I stick to STM32 Cube IDE. :-) :-)
    But unfortunately I can't post my questions here in this great community! :-( :-( 

    If I can't fix that error, I will go for Keil and install it on my Windows machine. That way, albeit sometimes I may ask myself "is this a Keil question or is this an ST question", etc..., :-( :-(, I can rely on this community's Keil forum help. :-) :-)

  • Thank you for your answers. That was a great help. 
    I have an idea: I try to fix the current problem with St link v2 and STM32Cube IDE. If I can work it out and since the current and next MCUs I work on are of ST, so I stick to STM32 Cube IDE. :-) :-)
    But unfortunately I can't post my questions here in this great community! :-( :-( 

    If I can't fix that error, I will go for Keil and install it on my Windows machine. That way, albeit sometimes I may ask myself "is this a Keil question or is this an ST question", etc..., :-( :-(, I can rely on this community's Keil forum help. :-) :-)
