Some questions about the LPC810

Hi the experts,

I'm not sure but i think that chip can realy help myself in my actual projet. i wanna get  precisions about this chip.


In the technical datasheet i can read this :

ARM Cortex M0+ with 4KB flash and 1KB SRAM

  • 2x USART
  • 1x I2C
  • 1x SPI
  • 4x Timers

I Want know if this chip is really able to :

  1. catch interrupt signal
  2. wait after a timer signal (in seconde)
  3. send a real AT command through an USART

For me i think that could be possible.

Did you get experience about this chip ?

  • Hi Jens,

    I had already noted the fact of using the PIO0_4 for the UART TX .

    Thank you for the warning about the risk of electrical overvoltage on the RS232 modem, but it will not be in my case of modem, but rather a module so I'm already protected against this risk. But I will watch anyway to monitor my electric tensions .

    In my case PIO0_1 will be use  to external interrupt signal capture.

    If I understand what you say. Normally like i have no significant adjustment to make on the chip after her configuration. I concerve the freedom of using GPIO like i want?

    If necessary I could reprogram the entire chip .

    Also thank you for all this good details (explainations about electronic components).

    I will keep you informed

  • Hi Jens,

    I had already noted the fact of using the PIO0_4 for the UART TX .

    Thank you for the warning about the risk of electrical overvoltage on the RS232 modem, but it will not be in my case of modem, but rather a module so I'm already protected against this risk. But I will watch anyway to monitor my electric tensions .

    In my case PIO0_1 will be use  to external interrupt signal capture.

    If I understand what you say. Normally like i have no significant adjustment to make on the chip after her configuration. I concerve the freedom of using GPIO like i want?

    If necessary I could reprogram the entire chip .

    Also thank you for all this good details (explainations about electronic components).

    I will keep you informed
