How can I learn to build my own computer with Arm processors?

Hi dears.

I am looking for a book explained how to make a computer by using Arm core processors?

  • How can you learn from a build board? With great difficulty, I'll grant you that. In that case, start with something small, like an Arduino. No, don't worry, the Arduino Due is based on a Cortex-M. The Arduino Tre should come out soon, and that is based on a Cortex-A8. The advantage to Arduinos is their Open Source side; you can get the full schematics easily. That will give you an idea on how they did it, how to connect the components, etc.

    Designing an Arm-based computer is relatively easy. Get the processor, slap on some DDR-II, some peripherals, and there you go. Things are much easier today than they were a few years ago. While designing a system might be easy, optimizing it, and making it a viable solution is much harder. You cite the Raspberry Pi for this, but have a look at the board; it isn't actually all that "complicated". Don't get me wrong, they did a great job, and routing that board must have been a nightmare, but the components on the board are fairly basic; apart from the CPU and GPU, there are very few ICs, a few resistors and a few capacitors. The goal for Raspberry Pi was to make a low-cost board, balancing purchases, reliability and general awesomeness.

    So, back to business. If you want to create your own systems, go for it! Don't let anyone tell you it can't be done; that is exactly how I started electronics. The only difference for me is that 6809s and 68000s were DIPs, and the boards were easy to route. I'm not too sue how you would start; SMCs are hard to solder, and honestly I have no idea how a BGA component is soldered. To start "easily", I think the only DIP packages are Cortex-M devices. However, I'm pretty sure I saw a breadboardable Arm7TDMI. It isn't latest gen, but it might be an excellent way to start off, playing with peripherals, before using Cortex-A devices, and creating your own multiple-layer cards.

    You've given me a new idea for a book, but this is a huge field; there is probably enough for several books.

    My advice is to start off "small"; play with Cortex-M devices on breadboards to start, maybe even an Arm Classic (the Arm7TDMI was an awesome chip, and in ways, it still is). Don't let anyone tell you what you can't do. My career is full of people who told me what I couldn't do, and I did it anyway. I really hope to see your project soon :-)

  • How can you learn from a build board? With great difficulty, I'll grant you that. In that case, start with something small, like an Arduino. No, don't worry, the Arduino Due is based on a Cortex-M. The Arduino Tre should come out soon, and that is based on a Cortex-A8. The advantage to Arduinos is their Open Source side; you can get the full schematics easily. That will give you an idea on how they did it, how to connect the components, etc.

    Designing an Arm-based computer is relatively easy. Get the processor, slap on some DDR-II, some peripherals, and there you go. Things are much easier today than they were a few years ago. While designing a system might be easy, optimizing it, and making it a viable solution is much harder. You cite the Raspberry Pi for this, but have a look at the board; it isn't actually all that "complicated". Don't get me wrong, they did a great job, and routing that board must have been a nightmare, but the components on the board are fairly basic; apart from the CPU and GPU, there are very few ICs, a few resistors and a few capacitors. The goal for Raspberry Pi was to make a low-cost board, balancing purchases, reliability and general awesomeness.

    So, back to business. If you want to create your own systems, go for it! Don't let anyone tell you it can't be done; that is exactly how I started electronics. The only difference for me is that 6809s and 68000s were DIPs, and the boards were easy to route. I'm not too sue how you would start; SMCs are hard to solder, and honestly I have no idea how a BGA component is soldered. To start "easily", I think the only DIP packages are Cortex-M devices. However, I'm pretty sure I saw a breadboardable Arm7TDMI. It isn't latest gen, but it might be an excellent way to start off, playing with peripherals, before using Cortex-A devices, and creating your own multiple-layer cards.

    You've given me a new idea for a book, but this is a huge field; there is probably enough for several books.

    My advice is to start off "small"; play with Cortex-M devices on breadboards to start, maybe even an Arm Classic (the Arm7TDMI was an awesome chip, and in ways, it still is). Don't let anyone tell you what you can't do. My career is full of people who told me what I couldn't do, and I did it anyway. I really hope to see your project soon :-)
