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Where are CPU with SMMU ?

Hi there,

when I was looking for a platform to evaluate virtualization on armv8, Juno was there with TZ and plenty of SMMU. That's fine.

Now, i am looking for an application processor to build a product ... I can't believe what I found : there are a lot of armv8 in the wild, but almost none of them has SMMU. Moreover, it looks like SMMU has been an IP of interrest only for network processors that does not have an energy budget comparable to our lovely embedded/wearable devices.

Does anyone here knows a silicon vendor selling such a device to build secure multimedia products ?

  • Are you looking for dev board, or parts for a product?

    On the boards side, I am not expert on either board/SoC, but looking at the documentation for the DragonBoard and HiKey boards on suggests that both have SMMUs.  Although I would recommend checking with the vendors to be sure.

    96Boards: 32- and 64-bit ARM Boards

  • Thank you Martin.

    I am looking primarily for parts. Dev boards being obviously useful to start the software before we got the first prototypes !

    I failed to find any reference to SMMU in DragonBoard documentation, and only found a single reference to SMMU in Hi6220 description (without even knowing whether it is SMMU-400 or 401, or in-house Stage 1 only IP).

    96Boards holds a weekly chat (open hours) i'll try to join.