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how to debug socrates nic400 DRC checks?

When I run the DRC checks on my nic400 μarchitecture I get many errors - but the error messages are very cryptic, like:

1. ERROR:Interfaces: An inconsistency exists between HLS and the uArchitecture regarding the interface "slave_if0"(Protocol:axi4->axi).
ELEMENT : slave_if0[SlaveInterface]
ELEMENT PATH: nic400_1 [ConfiguredComponent]/[Specification]/[Interfaces]/slave_if0 [SlaveInterface]

Is there a debug guide I can't find? The TRM has no troubleshooting information.

  • Well, to button this up, it appears my problem was that you must first generate the microarchitecture before running the DRCs on an existing design you are changing. It is counter intuitive because usually you click the buttons left-to-right and DRC comes first. I never found any help on deciphering error messages.

  • Well, to button this up, it appears my problem was that you must first generate the microarchitecture before running the DRCs on an existing design you are changing. It is counter intuitive because usually you click the buttons left-to-right and DRC comes first. I never found any help on deciphering error messages.
