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can't generate RTL using socrates platform

After completing the process of association of nic400's ip bundle and trying to create RTL, the following error occurs.

  • thanks for the answer
    I read the release notes in the nic400 ip bundler file, but I can't find the Arm Socrates System Builder User Guide or Builder Installation Guide reference. Do you know where it is?

    And to build, the license for socrates system builder must be set up, but the SYSSB-BN-00002 installer file is not visible.

    Is this something that needs to be asked privately?

  • thanks for the answer
    I read the release notes in the nic400 ip bundler file, but I can't find the Arm Socrates System Builder User Guide or Builder Installation Guide reference. Do you know where it is?

    And to build, the license for socrates system builder must be set up, but the SYSSB-BN-00002 installer file is not visible.

    Is this something that needs to be asked privately?
