I'm trying to connect via ssh to a Buildroot Linux instance running in an Armv-A Base RevC AEM FVP. These are the parameters I'm using:
FVP_Base_RevC-2xAEMvA \ -C bp.smsc_91c111.enabled=true -C bp.hostbridge.userNetworking=true \ -C bp.hostbridge.userNetPorts= -C bp.hostbridge.userNetSubnet= \ ....
Foundation_Platform \ --network=nat \ --network-nat-subnet= \ --network-nat-ports= \ ....
If your are running a Linux instance that doesn't support SSH server e.g. BusyBox, incoming SSH to the FVP is not possible. If you install a Linux distribution listed in the user guide e.g. Fedora-36-1.5, you can ssh from the host to the FVP.