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Problems with installing Linux Distributions on Armv-A Base AEM FVP Platforms

Hi, I followed the official document [Install and boot a Linux distribution on Armv-A Base AEM FVP Platforms]( to install a Debian distribution on AEM FVP.

However, the booting procedure failed at "Detecting hardware to find CD-ROM drivers" -> "No common CD-ROM drive was detected".

I'd like to ask what is the problem?

The following is my FVP command:


Executing Model Command:
./Base_RevC_AEMvA_pkg/models/Linux64_GCC-9.3/FVP_Base_RevC-2xAEMvA -C pctl.startup= -C bp.secure_memory=0 -C cluster0.NUM_CORES=4 -C cluster1.NUM_CORES=4 -C cache_state_modelled=0 -C bp.pl011_uart0.untimed_fifos=1 -C bp.pl011_uart0.unbuffered_output=1 -C bp.pl011_uart0.out_file=aemfvp-a/uart0-1666771315864906873.log -C bp.pl011_uart1.out_file=aemfvp-a/uart1-1666771315864906873.log -C bp.secureflashloader.fname=output/aemfvp-a/aemfvp-a/tf-bl1.bin -C bp.flashloader0.fname=output/aemfvp-a/aemfvp-a/fip-uefi.bin -C bp.ve_sysregs.mmbSiteDefault=0 -C bp.ve_sysregs.exit_on_shutdown=1 -C bp.virtioblockdevice.image_path=/home/chuqi/Projects/test-proj/third-parties/debian-10.12.0-arm64-netinst.iso -C bp.hostbridge.interfaceName=tap0 -C bp.smsc_91c111.enabled=true -C bp.smsc_91c111.mac_address=00:02:F7:EB:88:9E -C pci.ahci_pci.ahci.image_path=/home/chuqi/Projects/test-proj/third-parties/aemfvp-a_workspace/satadisk/1283.satadisk
terminal_0: Listening for serial connection on port 5000
terminal_1: Listening for serial connection on port 5001
terminal_2: Listening for serial connection on port 5002
terminal_3: Listening for serial connection on port 5003

Info: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA.bp.flashloader0: FlashLoader: Loaded 2681 kB from file 'output/aemfvp-a/aemfvp-a/fip-uefi.bin'

Info: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA.bp.secureflashloader: FlashLoader: Loaded 36 kB from file 'output/aemfvp-a/aemfvp-a/tf-bl1.bin'

Warning: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA: ErrorBlock: Simulator only error message was sent by 0:0.0 but not acknowledged by Root Complex
In file: (unknown):0
In process: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA.thread_p_15 @ 50521100040 ns

Warning: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA: Virtio device failed to read memory at 0x00000008f6305002
In file: (unknown):0
In process: FVP_Base_RevC_2xAEMvA.thread_p_15 @ 50521100040 ns


  • After checking that release version and FVP version matching each other, please check one more thing - do you follow the "Debian Distribution installation" part of the guide? Please note that the ISO file is attached to FVP as vda (virtual block device). When you start the installer, it will show you an error "installation media is not found", as it expects this ISO loaded from cdrom. You need to select "no" when it suggests finding necessary modules from USB and specify /dev/vda instead of /dev/cdrom.

  • After checking that release version and FVP version matching each other, please check one more thing - do you follow the "Debian Distribution installation" part of the guide? Please note that the ISO file is attached to FVP as vda (virtual block device). When you start the installer, it will show you an error "installation media is not found", as it expects this ISO loaded from cdrom. You need to select "no" when it suggests finding necessary modules from USB and specify /dev/vda instead of /dev/cdrom.

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