I'm a student and I'm developing a software module to support MPAM on an ARM system.
I was willing to test the software on an fvp platform, but I'm not able to find any reference about the memory address of the MPAM memory mapped register (the MPAM manual suggests to look for the MPAMF_BASE frame).
Any idea where i can find my solution?
to activate MPAM on fvp you need to set the related parameters.
By executing "./FVP_executable_file --list-params | grep MPAM" you can have an overview of all the available parameters, which include the base address for the MPAM memory mapped registers.
The meaning of the parameters is further explained in the reference manual, even though I think the base address is not actually presented here ( developer.arm.com/.../latest )
See also: https://community.arm.com/support-forums/f/dev-platforms-forum/46518/mpam-support-in-fvp
Matteo Zini
Hi, ty for your answer, i found, among others, the cluster parameter: l3cache-mpamf_base, the value of this parameter is implemented defined or it has a specific address?Thanks.
When starting FVP, you have to specify the address you want by setting that parameter accordingly.