Hello Dear all ,
I am in process to understand and evaluate the booting of ATF + UBOOT + OE linux on Cortex-A75x4 (aarch64) . For which I am following the link https://git.linaro.org/landing-teams/working/arm/arm-reference-platforms.git/about/docs/basefvp/user-guide.rst
Got the model : from https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/simulation-models/fixed-virtual-platforms
and setup the model as :-> FVP_Base_Cortex-A75x4 and set as per the above instruction , licensing etc .
Now when I try to run the model , I get following Please go to both the cases (1 and 2 )
1 . Please suggest correct command lines
2. what should be the correct way to boot ATF + UBOOT + OE linux on Cortex-A75x4 (aarch64) , should there a change in compilation as just follow the instruction
as per https://git.linaro.org/landing-teams/working/arm/arm-reference-platforms.git/about/docs/basefvp/user-guide.rst
Case ( 1)
/home/vagrant/workspace/arp/model/models/Linux64_GCC-6.4/FVP_Base_Cortex-A75x4 --cores=4 --no-secure-memory --visualization --use-real-time --gicv3 --data=/home/vagrant/workspace/arp/build-poky/tmp-poky/deploy/images/fvp-base/bl1-fvp.bin@0x0 --data=/home/vagrant/workspace/arp/build-poky/tmp-poky/deploy/images/fvp-base/fip-fvp.bin@0x8000000 --data=/home/vagrant/workspace/arp/build-poky/tmp-poky/deploy/images/fvp-base/Image@0x80080000 --data=/home/vagrant/workspace/arp/build-poky/tmp-poky/deploy/images/fvp-base/fvp-base-gicv3-psci-custom.dtb@0x83000000 --block-device=/home/vagrant/workspace/arp/build-poky/tmp-poky/deploy/images/fvp-base/core-image-minimal-fvp-base.disk.img --arm-v8.0
FVP_Base_Cortex-A75x4: unrecognized option `--cores=4'
Try 'FVP_Base_Cortex-A75x4 --help' for more information.
Case (2)
So I updated the command line param and which did launch the simulation but it got stuck at ATF with below terminal asset
Command :->
FVP_Base_Cortex-A75x4 --data=/home/vagrant/workspace/arp/build-poky/tmp-poky/deploy/images/fvp-base/bl1-fvp.bin@0x0 --data=/home/vagrant/workspace/arp/build-poky/tmp-poky/deploy/images/fvp-base/fip-fvp.bin@0x8000000 --data=/home/vagrant/workspace/arp/build-poky/tmp-poky/deploy/images/fvp-base/Image@0x80080000 --data=/home/vagrant/workspace/arp/build-poky/tmp-poky/deploy/images/fvp-base/fvp-base-gicv3-psci-custom.dtb@0x83000000
Escape character is '^]'.ASSERT: File lib/cpus/aarch64/cpu_helpers.S Line 00035
Code at which it ASSERTS is
1) Why not use the run_model.sh script as per section 6 of https://git.linaro.org/landing-teams/working/arm/arm-reference-platforms.git/about/docs/basefvp/user-guide.rst ? (note additional steps in section 7 if networking is needed)
Nope , that doent work , referred the same . ( I mentioned above they are the same https://git.linaro.org/landing-teams/working/arm/arm-reference-platforms.git/about/docs/basefvp/user-guide.rst )
Need exact param which I could load with .
Any other pointers ?
I don't believe --cores is a valid parameter. The FVP is already built as a 4-core model, so this is redundant anyway. Similarly --arm-v8.0 seems incorrect.
You can get a list of parameters supported by the model (which are invoked with -C) by running the model with --list-params (best to pipe to a text file)
I wrote the below a couple of years ago on using Linux with an FVP provided with our toolchain - perhaps this can help decipher the issue. However I am surprised that the run_model script does not just work..?
NO run_model.sh doesn work as it is . where should I raise a case for it to be corrected . Also I dont see this option as valid too
--parameter cluster0.NUM_CORES=1 . Let me run the model and get the list corrected .. model with --list-params (best to pipe to a text file).
But also could you also provide the comments on the case -2 above that I has listed ?