I'm in the process of trying to migrate DS-5 to a new laptop as I have been issued a new machine in order to support Windows 10 which is now a company requirement.
We have a perpetual node locked license for DS-5, but its gone out of support as of July last year. The last version I have access to is 5.29.0.
Installing this version on the new machine is fine, but on starting it DS-5 will hang for minutes after selecting / creating the workspace with little, if no CPU usage and nothing in the Windows logs or Eclipse logs if I start it with a console and debug.
For interest I also installed DS 5.29.2 to see if that worked correctly and it appears to, so does that mean 5.29.0 is broken on Windows 10?
I don't see anything in the release note that indicate a bug was fixed for Window 10 support.
Any ideas appreciated.
Hi Kevin
Windows 10 is an officially supported platform of DS-5 5.29.0. In a (very quick) test on my Win 10 laptop I noticed no obvious issues.
The easiest solution here would of course be to renew your support and maintenance, to be able to run 5.29.2.
Please also note that DS-5 is no longer being developed - have you tried out the new Arm Development Studio?
Just to follow up on this, I discovered DS-5 5.28.1 works fine, so there would appear to be something odd with 5.29.0 as 5.29.2 also works. 5.28.1 is fine for what I need for now, we'll look at Developer Studio once we decide where we are going with ARM platforms going forwards, its likely we'll need A53 support, so we will need to upgrade in order to get 64-bit processor support anyway.
Glad to hear you have something working. I would definitely encourage you to try out Development Studio. A fully featured 30 day evaluation is available free of charge.