Just reset my Juno this morning and I'm getting the left most LED flashing, the firmware version, build date, time, and date and then it seems to freeze. Any tips?
ARM V2M-Juno Boot loader v1.0.0
HBI0262 build 150
ARM V2M_Juno Firmware v1.1.1
Build Date: Mar 18 2014
Time : 23:35:30
Date : 13:00:2000
Negative. Not getting the Cmd> prompt, otherwise I'd go for the recovery. Any other options? Should I try reflashing the sdcard?
Yes. You will need to remove the SD Card from the Motherboard. Use an SD Card Reader on your host machine to perform the System recovery.
Have you tried performing a full System Recovery using the Recovery images found at:
board_recovery_image.zip from Juno Software Binary Images - Attachments
I assume your getting to the "Cmd>" (before pressing the RED button)?
To carry out a System Recovery, proceed as follows:
1) Connect a serial terminal to the top 9-pin UART connector
on the rear panel (115200 baud, 8, n, 1).
2) Connect a USB cable between the USB-B connector on the
rear panel and a USB port of your host computer.
3) Connect the 12 volt power supply to the board.
- The serial terminal will show the command prompt Cmd>
4) At the Cmd> prompt on the serial terminal,
issue the command usb_on
- The configuration flash memory should now be visible
on the host computer as a mass storage device.
5) Save any of the existing files in the configuration
flash memory that wish to retain for future use, in
a location other than in the memory.
6) Format the configuration flash memory (FAT16).
7) Copy the files from the Recovery directory to the
configuration flash memory, preserving the directory
structure. (The directory level which contains the
file "config.txt" should be in the root of the
configuration flash memory).
8) Press the red button on the rear panel of the board
and wait for reprogramming to complete.
- The board will load the default configuration and
boot up.