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fvp: ldrx/strx and cache clean


I am trying to implement atomic_add and atomic_get on FVP_Base_RevC-2xAEMv8A_11.3_30. The FVP is configured to run 4 cores.

After boot, core0 sets up the translation tables while other cores wait. Once the tables are setup, core0 signals the other cores to exit their wait. Each core then sets up its TTBRx, TCR, SCTRL registers to enable MMU, ICache and DCache. 

After jumping to set the PC, each core is made to run these few lines, where count is a global variable.

_atomic_add(&count, 10);
if (_atomic_get(&count) == 10)
        for (;;)
                asm volatile("wfe");
        for (;;)
                asm volatile("wfi");

The expectation is that one core will wait at wfe, while the other cores will wait at wfi. But it turns out that all 4 cores wait at wfe. That is, atomic_add does not behave as expected. The count cannot be 10 for /all/ cores, but it happens to be so.

If "dc cvac, &count" is placed at POINT0, the cores start behaving as expected.

The atomics:

.globl _atomic_add
        ldxr    w2, [x0]
        add     w2, w2, w1
        stxr    w3, w2, [x0]
        cbnz    w3, _atomic_add

.globl _atomic_get
        ldr     w0, [x0]

Why does ldxr/stxr require me to clean the cache? It seems as if the L1 memory system of each core is unable to 'snoop' or request the cache line for the count variable. AFAIU, ldxr/stxr work with the L1 memory system to provide the required coherency, so 'dc cvac' is not required.

Thank you,


Edit: cvac, not civac.

  • What did you put as the cacheability + shareability for the address range where "count" lives?

    My first thought would be that you'd marked the memory as non-shared, and hence coherency isn't being maintained.  But's a guess based on limited information

  • What did you put as the cacheability + shareability for the address range where "count" lives?

    My first thought would be that you'd marked the memory as non-shared, and hence coherency isn't being maintained.  But's a guess based on limited information
