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ARMASM - include file using defined parameter


I trying to include .s file into another .s file using INCLUDE directive with defined parameter, but without success. 

I check 2 scenario.

Scenario 1

startup.s file:

#include "Configuration.h"
#if defined (CONF_CHIP_ID_LPC1549JBD64)

... ; some asm code #endif

And "Configuration.h" file:

#define CONF_CHIP_ID_LPC1549JBD64    1
#define CONF_ARMHAL_STARTUPSFILE "..\..\..\ARM_HAL\startup_LPC15xx.s"

After compile I give an error:

.....\startup.s(17): error: A1023E: File ""..\..\..\ARM_HAL\startup_LPC15xx.s"" could not be opened: No such file or directory

- Please look at double quote at filename!

Scenario 2

In "Configuration.h" file, I was changed value of CONF_ARMHAL_STARTUPSFILE parameter, to without quote :

#define CONF_CHIP_ID_LPC1549JBD64    1
#define CONF_ARMHAL_STARTUPSFILE ..\..\..\ARM_HAL\startup_LPC15xx.s

After compile I give an error:

....\startup.s(17): error: A1023E: File ". .\. .\. .\ARM_HAL\startup_LPC15xx . s" could not be opened: No such file or directory

- Please look at additional spaces in filename!

Please, what's wrong in C preprocessor? Is any way how to include file, defined by #define parameter?

Thank you.

This code is part of C project written in uVision IDE. Parameter "--cpreproc" is used for assembler.

ARMCC c5.06 update 5

ARMASM v5.06 update 5