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Calling Assembly function form C

I'm trying to call an assembly function from C but I keep getting this error:

(qemu) qemu: fatal: Trying to execute code outside RAM or ROM at 0xfffffffe

R00=fffffffc R01=ffffffff R02=00000000 R03=ffffffff
R04=00000000 R05=00000000 R06=00000000 R07=00000000
R08=00000000 R09=00000000 R10=00000000 R11=ffffffff
R12=00000000 R13=42fffff0 R14=00010060 R15=fffffffe
PSR=400001f3 -Z-- T svc32
s00=00000000 s01=00000000 d00=0000000000000000
s02=00000000 s03=00000000 d01=0000000000000000
s04=00000000 s05=00000000 d02=0000000000000000
s06=00000000 s07=00000000 d03=0000000000000000
s08=00000000 s09=00000000 d04=0000000000000000
s10=00000000 s11=00000000 d05=0000000000000000
s12=00000000 s13=00000000 d06=0000000000000000
s14=00000000 s15=00000000 d07=0000000000000000
s16=00000000 s17=00000000 d08=0000000000000000
s18=00000000 s19=00000000 d09=0000000000000000
s20=00000000 s21=00000000 d10=0000000000000000
s22=00000000 s23=00000000 d11=0000000000000000
s24=00000000 s25=00000000 d12=0000000000000000
s26=00000000 s27=00000000 d13=0000000000000000
s28=00000000 s29=00000000 d14=0000000000000000
s30=00000000 s31=00000000 d15=0000000000000000
FPSCR: 00000000
./ line 10: 21664 Aborted                 (core dumped) qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -kernel t.bin -nographic -serial /dev/null

Here is my C code:

int g;				// un-initialized global
int main()
	int a, b, c, d, e, f;		// local variables
	a = b = c = d = e = f = 1;	// values do not matter
	g = sum(a, b, c, d, e, f);	// call sum(), passing a, b, c, d, e, f

My assembly code:

		.global start, sum
start:	ldr sp, =stack_top
		bl main				@ call main() in c
stop:	b stop

sum:	@ int sum( a, b, c, d, e, f) { return a+b+c+d+e+f; }
@ upon entry, stack top contains e, f, passed by main() in C
@ Establish stack frame
	stmfd sp!, {fp, lr}		@ push fp, lr
	add   fp, sp, #4		@ fp -> saved lr on stack
@ Compute sum of all (6) parameters
	add r0, r0, r1			@ first 4 parameters are in r0-r3
	add r0, r0, r2
	add r0, r0, r3
	ldr r3, [fp, #4]		@ load e into r3
	add r0, r0, r3 			@ add to sum in r0
	ldr r3, [fp, #8]		@ load f into r3
	add r0, r0, r3 			@ add to sum in r0
@ Return to caller
	sub sp, fp, #4			@ sp = fp-4 (point to the saved FP)
	ldmfd sp!, {fp, pc}		@ return to caller

My linker script:

ENTRY(start)		/* Define start as the entry address */
SECTIONS			/* program sections */ 
	. = 0x10000;	/* loading address, required by QEMU */
	.text : { *(.text) }	/* all text in .text section */
	.data : { *(.data) }	/* all data in .data section */
	.bss  : { *(.bss)  }	/* all bss in .bss section */
	. =ALIGN(8);
	. =. + 0x1000;			/* 4 KB stack space */
	stack_top =.;	/* stack_top is a symbol exported by linker */

And how I am executing it:


arm-none-eabi-as -o ts.o ts.s					# assemble ts.s to ts.o
arm-none-eabi-gcc -c t.c						# compile tc into t.o
arm-none-eabi-ld -T t.ld -o t.elf t.o ts.o 		# link ts.o to t.elf file
arm-none-eabi-nm t.elf							# show symbols in t.efl
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary t.elf t.bin 	# objcopy t.elf to t.bin

qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -kernel t.bin -nographic -serial /dev/null

What am I doing wrong?