arm-none-eabi-gdb Cannot convert between character sets


when start GDB debugging on my win10 PC I get following warning:

warning: could not convert 'main' from the host encoding (CP1252) to UTF-32. This normally should not happen, please file a bug report.

When checking default charset settings in my gdb 14.2.Rel1 I get following:

(gdb) show charset
The host character set is "auto; currently CP1252".
The target character set is "auto; currently CP1252".
The target wide character set is "auto; currently UTF-32".

When trying to change charset to UTF-8 get following:

(gdb) set host-charset UTF-8
Undefined item: "UTF-8".

When trying to set it to auto:

(gdb) set host-charset auto
Cannot convert between character sets `UTF-32' and `CP1252'

It seams that only supported charsets are CP1252 and auto: 

(gdb) set host-charset
CP1252 auto

Can you add support for more charsets?