I work for a company which develop some automotive product.
The majority of our project use the ARM GNU Toolchain 9.3.1 and we started to pass to ARM GNU 10.3.Our project are designed to use Cmake method to call the compiler, configure the project and compile it.To debug, we used files from PEmicro (which use gdb provided in ARM GNU toolchain)Clion is our IDE which simply use the cmake files to compile.
But soon our systems will have to be FUSA compliant.So we started to analyze the possibility to pass to ARM FUSA Toolchain.But we have some question about it.
1) Is there a note or a process to make the migration from GNU ARM Toolain to ARM FUSA Toolchain ? Is it possible to use cmake method with ARM Fusa ? or is it the GNU layer of the ARM GNU compiler that allowed this?
2) Is ARM FUSA Free ? I see ARM Development Studio + Fusa have a price. But can we used the compiler without ARM Developement Studio ?
3) How I can debug with ARM FUSA ? I suppose the ARM Developement Studio integrate it directly, but how to do with third party (as PE micro). I suppose I can't simply use the PE micro files and replace ARM GNU gdb by ARM Fusa gdb. Is it something I have to deal with the Third party
Thanks a lot,Mathieu
Hi Mathieu
1) See the below article for some high level information on this topic. The biggest difference is with the linker (though this gap is also narrowing, see later).
Migrate to Arm Compiler 6 from gcc
2) It is provided as a component of Arm Development Studio FuSa, or Keil MDK Professional Edition, if only Cortex-M support is needed. It is not available separately.
3) Though you should check with the vendor, I would expect their tools to be able to consume Arm Compiler built images, as the industry standard ELF/DWARF debug format is used.
If you wish to discuss in more detail with Arm, I suggest raising an official support request from the menu above.
You may also wish to read the below article that discusses the future of Arm Toolchains...
Arm Toolchain for Embedded: next-generation Arm C/C++ embedded compiler
Hi Ronan,Thanks for your response1) OK I will check this link about the migration
2) We worked on S32K312 and MSPM0 (respectively Cortex-M7 and Cortex M0). So we need Arm Development Studio FuSa to have the compiler. I will contact ARM sales directly to know more details about it and if there a way to keep our methods
3) Ok effecttvely, if ELF format is used, I think PE micro should be used it to debug.Thanks for your response Ronan,
Hi again Mathieu,
To clarify point 2, if only using Cortex-M devices, Keil MDK Professional Edition will suffice.Professional Edition is needed to access the FuSa compiler:
Both devices mentioned above are well supported:
Hello Ronan,Thank for the clarification.Effectively price for Keil MDK Professional is interresting and fulfit our need.I will contact them.Thanks a lot,