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Crash when exporting FFT wisdom for certain c2c transform sizes

I am seeing a crash in the fftw_export_wisdom_to_filename function for certain 2d complex-to-complex transforms with FFTW_PATIENT. I've tried a range of sizes and it's rare but it appears to occur with certain larger prime sizes.

For example, 263x263 crashes, as does 269x269 and 263x269. Other nearby primes don't, though. I have not seen it for a non-prime size, but I haven't tried very hard to find failure cases.

I'm on libarmpl_lp64, version 24.04, and I've seen the same behavior on both macos and linux. I can make minimal changes to the example code in fftw_guru_dft_c2c_c_example.c to reproduce the crash:

The crash occurs with FFTW_PATIENT or FFTW_MEASURE but not FFTW_ESTIMATE.

I am observing no real loss in performance when changing to FFTW_ESTIMATE, so this is an acceptable workaround for me. That leads me to a related question: should I expect any advantage to the MEASURE or PATIENT planner modes in armpl?