Hi I'm attempting to use ARMPL as the FFTW library and the BLAS library in CP2K for my Mac M1 Max Macbook Pro, but I'm having issues during the build. I keep getting the following error: ... "___kmpc_reduce_nowait", referenced from: __ZN5armplL13asum_parallelIfEENS_14remove_complexIT_E4typeExPKS2_xPFS4_xS6_xEi.omp_outlined in libarmpl_lp64_mp.a[204](41979031_asum_apple_m1_flang-new_mp.o) __ZN5armplL13asum_parallelIfLb0EEENS_14remove_complexIT_E4typeEiPS2_ii.omp_outlined in libarmpl_lp64_mp.a[204](41979031_asum_apple_m1_flang-new_mp.o) __ZN5armplL13asum_parallelIfLb0EEENS_14remove_complexIT_E4typeEiPS2_ii.omp_outlined.1 in libarmpl_lp64_mp.a[204](41979031_asum_apple_m1_flang-new_mp.o) __ZN5armplL13asum_parallelIdEENS_14remove_complexIT_E4typeExPKS2_xPFS4_xS6_xEi.omp_outlined in libarmpl_lp64_mp.a[204](41979031_asum_apple_m1_flang-new_mp.o) __ZN5armplL13asum_parallelIdLb0EEENS_14remove_complexIT_E4typeEiPS2_ii.omp_outlined in libarmpl_lp64_mp.a[204](41979031_asum_apple_m1_flang-new_mp.o) __ZN5armplL13asum_parallelIdLb0EEENS_14remove_complexIT_E4typeEiPS2_ii.omp_outlined.2 in libarmpl_lp64_mp.a[204](41979031_asum_apple_m1_flang-new_mp.o) __ZN5armplL13asum_parallelINSt3__17complexIfEEEENS_14remove_complexIT_E4typeExPKS5_xPFS7_xS9_xEi.omp_outlined in libarmpl_lp64_mp.a[204](41979031_asum_apple_m1_flang-new_mp.o) ...ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
I do not know what I am doing wrong. I have copied the ssmp file I am using if anyone has any insights into what errors I am making. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
#!/bin/bash # # CP2K Darwin arch file for a serial arm64 binary # (https://www.cp2k.org/howto:compile_on_macos) # # Tested with: GNU 13.2.0, FFTW 3.3.10, LIBINT 2.6.0, LIBVORI 220621, # LIBXC 6.2.2, OpenBLAS 0.3.26, SPGLIB 2.3.1, # LIBGRPP 20231215 # on an Apple M1 (macOS 14.2.1 Sonoma) # # Usage: Source this arch file and then run make as instructed. # Ensure the links in /usr/local/bin to the lastest gcc version. # # Last update: 19.03.2024 # # \ if [[ "${0}" == "${BASH_SOURCE}" ]]; then \ echo "ERROR: Script ${0##*/} must be sourced"; \ echo "Usage: source ${0##*/}"; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ this_file=${BASH_SOURCE##*/}; \ cd tools/toolchain; \ [[ -z "${target_cpu}" ]] && target_cpu="native"; \ if $(command -v brew >/dev/null 2>&1); then \ brew install cmake; \ brew install coreutils; \ brew install libxc; \ brew install pkg-config; \ brew install wget; \ else \ echo "ERROR: Homebrew installation not found"; \ echo ' Run: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"'; \ cd ../..; \ return 1; \ fi; \ ./install_cp2k_toolchain.sh -j${maxtasks} --mpi-mode=no --no-arch-files --target-cpu=${target_cpu} \ --with-cmake=$(brew --prefix cmake) --with-fftw=no --with-gcc=system \ --with-libxc=$(brew --prefix libxc) --with-libxsmm=no --with-openblas=no; \ source ./install/setup; \ cd ../..; \ echo; \ echo "Check the output above for error messages and consistency!"; \ echo; \ echo "If everything is OK, you can build a CP2K production binary with"; \ echo " make -j ARCH=${this_file%.*} VERSION=${this_file##*.}"; \ echo; \ echo "Alternatively, you can add further checks, e.g. for regression testing, with"; \ echo " make -j ARCH=${this_file%.*} VERSION=${this_file##*.} DO_CHECKS=yes"; \ echo; \ echo "Run always the following command before using the CP2K binary"; \ echo " source ${PWD}/tools/toolchain/install/setup"; \ echo; \ return # Set options DO_CHECKS := no TARGET_CPU := native USE_LIBGRPP := 20231215 USE_LIBINT := 2.6.0 USE_LIBVORI := 220621 USE_LIBXC := 6.2.2 USE_SPGLIB := 2.3.1 LMAX := 5 MAX_CONTR := 4 CC := gcc CXX := g++ FC := gfortran LD := gfortran AR := ar -r -s CFLAGS := -O2 -fopenmp -fopenmp-simd -ftree-vectorize -funroll-loops -g -mtune=$(TARGET_CPU) DFLAGS += -D__MAX_CONTR=$(strip $(MAX_CONTR)) DFLAGS += -D__NO_STATM_ACCESS INSTALL_PATH := $(PWD)/tools/toolchain/install # Settings for regression testing ifeq ($(DO_CHECKS), yes) DFLAGS += -D__CHECK_DIAG FCFLAGS_DEBUG := -fcheck=bounds,do,recursion,pointer FCFLAGS_DEBUG += -fcheck=all,no-array-temps # FCFLAGS_DEBUG += -ffpe-trap=invalid,overflow,zero FCFLAGS_DEBUG += -fimplicit-none FCFLAGS_DEBUG += -finit-derived FCFLAGS_DEBUG += -finit-real=snan FCFLAGS_DEBUG += -finit-integer=-42 FCFLAGS_DEBUG += -finline-matmul-limit=0 WFLAGS := -Werror=aliasing WFLAGS += -Werror=ampersand WFLAGS += -Werror=c-binding-type WFLAGS += -Werror=conversion WFLAGS += -Werror=intrinsic-shadow WFLAGS += -Werror=intrinsics-std WFLAGS += -Werror=line-truncation WFLAGS += -Wrealloc-lhs WFLAGS += -Werror=tabs WFLAGS += -Werror=target-lifetime WFLAGS += -Werror=underflow WFLAGS += -Werror=unused-but-set-variable WFLAGS += -Werror=unused-dummy-argument WFLAGS += -Werror=unused-variable endif ifneq ($(USE_LIBVORI),) USE_LIBVORI := $(strip $(USE_LIBVORI)) LIBVORI_LIB := $(INSTALL_PATH)/libvori-$(USE_LIBVORI)/lib DFLAGS += -D__LIBVORI LIBS += $(LIBVORI_LIB)/libvori.a endif LIBXC_HOME := $(shell brew --prefix libxc) CFLAGS += -I$(LIBXC_HOME)/include DFLAGS += -D__LIBXC LIBS += -Wl,-rpath,$(LIBXC_HOME)/lib -L$(LIBXC_HOME)/lib -lxcf03 -lxc ifneq ($(USE_LIBGRPP),) USE_LIBGRPP := $(strip $(USE_LIBGRPP)) LIBGRPP_INC := $(INSTALL_PATH)/libgrpp-main-$(USE_LIBGRPP)/include LIBGRPP_LIB := $(INSTALL_PATH)/libgrpp-main-$(USE_LIBGRPP)/lib CFLAGS += -I$(LIBGRPP_INC) DFLAGS += -D__LIBGRPP LIBS += $(LIBGRPP_LIB)/liblibgrpp.a endif ifneq ($(USE_LIBINT),) USE_LIBINT := $(strip $(USE_LIBINT)) LMAX := $(strip $(LMAX)) LIBINT_INC := $(INSTALL_PATH)/libint-v$(USE_LIBINT)-cp2k-lmax-$(LMAX)/include LIBINT_LIB := $(INSTALL_PATH)/libint-v$(USE_LIBINT)-cp2k-lmax-$(LMAX)/lib CFLAGS += -I$(LIBINT_INC) DFLAGS += -D__LIBINT LIBS += $(LIBINT_LIB)/libint2.a LIBS += $(LIBINT_LIB)/libint2.a endif ifneq ($(USE_SPGLIB),) USE_SPGLIB := $(strip $(USE_SPGLIB)) SPGLIB_INC := $(INSTALL_PATH)/spglib-$(USE_SPGLIB)/include SPGLIB_LIB := $(INSTALL_PATH)/spglib-$(USE_SPGLIB)/lib CFLAGS += -I$(SPGLIB_INC) DFLAGS += -D__SPGLIB LIBS += $(SPGLIB_LIB)/libsymspg.a endif FFTW_HOME := /opt/arm/armpl_23.10_flang-new_clang_17 CFLAGS += -I$(FFTW_HOME)/include_lp64_mp DFLAGS += -D__FFTW3 LIBS += $(FFTW_HOME)/lib/libarmpl_lp64_mp.a LIBS += $(FFTW_HOME)/lib/libarmpl_lp64.a OPENBLAS_HOME := /opt/arm/armpl_23.10_flang-new_clang_17 CFLAGS += -I$(OPENBLAS_HOME)/include_lp64_mp LIBS += $(OPENBLAS_HOME)/lib/libarmpl_lp64.a CFLAGS += $(DFLAGS) FCFLAGS := $(CFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS_DEBUG) $(WFLAGS) FCFLAGS += -fallow-argument-mismatch FCFLAGS += -fbacktrace FCFLAGS += -ffree-form FCFLAGS += -ffree-line-length-none FCFLAGS += -fno-omit-frame-pointer FCFLAGS += -std=f2008 LDFLAGS += $(FCFLAGS) LIBS += -ldl -lstdc++ # End