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Invalid operand for instruction for armv7-a architecture


I am seeing the below errors when I try to compile my code in Arm Compiler 6. Can you please help me to resolve this issue? 

error: invalid operand for instruction

error: invalid operand for instruction

Environment are below:

CORE = cortex-m4
FPU = fpv4-sp-d16
ARCH = armv7-a


  • Hi Ronan

    I need some help converting linker file(LD) into scatter file. Attached the linker file. I need some input to convert into scatter file.


    /* __DISCLAIMER_START__                                                      */
    * (c) 2014-2017, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
    * or a subsidiary of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights
    * reserved.
    * This software, including source code, documentation and related
    * materials ( "Software" ), is owned by Cypress Semiconductor
    * Corporation or one of its subsidiaries ( "Cypress" ) and is protected by
    * and subject to worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
    * United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
    * Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
    * agreement accompanying the software package from which you
    * obtained this Software ( "EULA" ).
    * If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, nonexclusive,
    * non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the
    * Software source code solely for use in connection with Cypress' s
    * integrated circuit products. Any reproduction, modification, translation,
    * compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
    * above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.
    * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Cypress reserves the right to make
    * changes to the Software without notice. Cypress does not assume any
    * liability arising out of the application or use of the Software or any
    * product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does not
    * authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
    * failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
    * significant property damage, injury or death ( "High Risk Product" ). By
    * including Cypress' s product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer
    * of such system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing
    * so agrees to indemnify Cypress against all liability.
    /* __DISCLAIMER_END__                                                        */
    /* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
       This linker file needs to be preprocessed by GCC because LD does not support preprocessing.
       CMake build environment will take care of this!
    /* Check that necessary definitions are available */
    #if (!defined(_LINK_flash_)) && (!defined(_LINK_sram_))
      #error "Link location not defined or not supported!"
    #if (!defined(_CORE_cm0plus_)) && (!defined(_CORE_cm4_))
      #error "Target core not defined or not supported!"
    #if (!defined(CY_MCU_rev_a)) && (!defined(CY_MCU_rev_b)) && (!defined(CY_MCU_rev_c)) && (!defined(CY_MCU_rev_d))
      #error "MCU revision is not defined or not supported!"
    // Description of special symbols
    // sram_private_for_srom:
    //     The SROM code needs an area for private data during system call processing. It will
    //     not be accessible by user software in protection state NORMAL and beyond.
    //     So it needs to be excluded from the total SRAM available to the user. The location of
    //     this RAM depends on the MCU revision.
    // sram_used_by_boot_base:
    //     Cypress (ROM and Flash) boot firmware needs an area in SRAM (e.g. for stack). This may cause issues in case of
    //     RAM build configurations when code/const sections are loaded there by the debugger, but may get overwritten
    //     if reset is triggered by the debug script later on. So in case of RAM build configurations the linker should
    //     check if the area of ROM type sections overlaps the boot area.
    // sram_can_lin_boot_reserve:
    //     Cypress CAN/LIN Bootloader is entered only if several conditions apply (refer Architecture TRM, "Flash Boot" chapter).
    //     It will then use an area of SRAM for its data.
    //     This may cause issues in case of RAM build configurations when code/const sections are loaded there by the debugger,
    //     but may get overwritten if reset is triggered by the debug script later on. Therefore, this area shall be reserved.
    // ecc_init_width:
    //     Defines the most restrictive native ECC width (in bytes) of all "normal" memories (SRAM, DTCM, ITCM) in any
    //     Traveo II derivate in order to keep the startup code dealing with ECC initialization generic
    // Following symbol and memory area definitions are device specific
      /* Constants */
      #define code_flash_total_size        1088K
      #define sram_total_size              128K
      #define sram_base                    0x08000000
      #define sram_used_by_boot_base       (sram_base + sram_total_size - 6K)
      #define sram_private_for_srom        2K
      #define cm0plus_intvec_alignment     256   /* CPU specific vector table alignment requirement */
      #define cm4_intvec_alignment         1024  /* CPU specific vector table alignment requirement */
      #define ecc_init_width               8
    #if defined(_LINK_sram_)
      #define sram_can_lin_boot_reserve    512
      #define sram_can_lin_boot_reserve    0
    #if defined(CY_MCU_rev_a) || defined(CY_MCU_rev_b) || defined(CY_MCU_rev_c)
      #define sram_user_start_offset       (0                     + sram_can_lin_boot_reserve)
      #define sram_user_end_offset         (sram_total_size       - sram_private_for_srom)
      #define sram_user_start_offset       (sram_private_for_srom + sram_can_lin_boot_reserve)
      #define sram_user_end_offset         (sram_total_size       - 0)
      //                              USER CONFIGURATION
      /* Specify how much SRAM and CODE_FLASH shall be used by CM0+ application,
       * the rest of the memory will be automatically assigned to CM4 application */
      #define cm0plus_sram_reserve         (64K - sram_user_start_offset)
      #define cm0plus_code_flash_reserve   512K
      /* Specify stack and heap sizes for CM0+ and CM4 application independently */
      #define cm0plus_heap_reserve         512
      #define cm0plus_stack_reserve        1K
      #define cm4_heap_reserve             512
      #define cm4_stack_reserve            1K
      /* Calculation of SRAM distribution among all cores */
      #define cm0plus_sram_offset          sram_user_start_offset
      #define cm4_sram_offset              (cm0plus_sram_offset  + cm0plus_sram_reserve)
      #define cm4_sram_reserve             (sram_user_end_offset - cm4_sram_offset)
      /* Calculation of CODE_FLASH distribution among all cores */
      #define cm0plus_code_flash_offset    0
      #define cm4_code_flash_offset        (cm0plus_code_flash_offset + cm0plus_code_flash_reserve)
      #define cm4_code_flash_reserve       (code_flash_total_size     - cm4_code_flash_offset)
      /* Map core dependent definition to generic name for memory and section definition */
    #if defined(_CORE_cm0plus_)
      #define heap_reserve                 cm0plus_heap_reserve
      #define stack_reserve                (cm0plus_stack_reserve + (ecc_init_width - 1)) & (~((ecc_init_width - 1))) /* Ensure that stack size is an integer multiple of ECC init width (round up) */
      #define sram_offset                  cm0plus_sram_offset
      #define sram_reserve                 cm0plus_sram_reserve
      #define code_flash_offset            cm0plus_code_flash_offset
      #define code_flash_reserve           cm0plus_code_flash_reserve
      #define intvec_alignment             cm0plus_intvec_alignment
    #else /* CM4 */
      #define heap_reserve                 cm4_heap_reserve
      #define stack_reserve                (cm4_stack_reserve + (ecc_init_width - 1)) & (~((ecc_init_width - 1))) /* Ensure that stack size is an integer multiple of ECC init width (round up) */
      #define sram_offset                  cm4_sram_offset
      #define sram_reserve                 cm4_sram_reserve
      #define code_flash_offset            cm4_code_flash_offset
      #define code_flash_reserve           cm4_code_flash_reserve
      #define intvec_alignment             cm4_intvec_alignment
        SRAM         (rwx)   : ORIGIN = sram_base  + sram_offset,       LENGTH = sram_reserve
        CODE_FLASH   (rx)    : ORIGIN = 0x10000000 + code_flash_offset, LENGTH = code_flash_reserve
        WORK_FLASH           : ORIGIN = 0x14000000,                     LENGTH = 0x00018000         /*   96 KB */
        SFLASH               : ORIGIN = 0x17000000,                     LENGTH = 0x00008000         /*   32 KB */
        SFLASH_ALT           : ORIGIN = 0x17800000,                     LENGTH = 0x00008000         /*   32 KB */
    // Program layout
        // ROM type sections
      #if   defined(_LINK_flash_)
      #elif defined(_LINK_sram_)
        /* Note: .intvec must be the first section in ROM in order for __cmx_vector_base_linker_symbol to be correctly calculated! */
        .intvec : ALIGN(intvec_alignment)
        .text : ALIGN(4)
        .rodata : ALIGN(4)
        /* Special GCC ARM sections */
        .ARM.extab : ALIGN(4)
            *(.ARM.extab* .gnu.linkonce.armextab.*)
        .ARM.exidx : ALIGN(4)
            *(.ARM.exidx* .gnu.linkonce.armexidx.*)
        // RAM type sections
        /* >>> SRAM <<< */
        /* In case of _LINK_sram_ the linker (LD) would set the LMA of '.data' to its VMA (because both end up in the same memory region).
         * Therefore, the '.data' section needs to be the first one of the "RAM type" sections so that the '__rom_type_sections_end_address' 
         * can be correctly calculated and startup code will not ECC initialize the RAM area occupied by the .data section (since its content
         * would have been loaded by the debugger already). In case of _LINK_flash the '.data' section can be arbitrarily placed in RAM. */
        .data : ALIGN_WITH_INPUT
            . = ALIGN(ecc_init_width);
            . = ALIGN(ecc_init_width);
        .bss (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(ecc_init_width)
            . = ALIGN(ecc_init_width);
        } >SRAM
        .heap (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(8)
            __heap_start = .;
            . += ALIGN(heap_reserve, 8);
            __heap_end = .;
        } >SRAM
        .stack (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(8)
            __stack_start = .;
            . += ALIGN(stack_reserve, 8);
            __stack_end = .;
        } >SRAM
        .intvec_ram (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(intvec_alignment)
        } >SRAM
        /* Linker symbols for startup code */
        __data_lma   = LOADADDR(.data);
        __data_start = ADDR(.data);
        __data_end   = ADDR(.data) + SIZEOF(.data);
        __bss_start  = ADDR(.bss);
        __bss_end    = ADDR(.bss) + SIZEOF(.bss);
      #if defined(_LINK_sram_)
        /* Cypress (ROM and Flash) boot firmware needs an area in SRAM (e.g. for stack). This may cause issues in case of
         * RAM build configurations when code/const sections are loaded there by the debugger, but may get overwritten
         * if reset is triggered by the debug script later on. So in case of RAM build configurations the following
         * statement checks if the area of ROM type sections overlaps the boot area.
         * Comment the statement if the sections shall be linked there anyway.
         * A simple check is sufficient because the boot area is from SRAM_MAX-6KB to SRAM_MAX-2KB and it is unlikely that the ROM sections would only
         * start in the last 2KB (which are anyway not accessible in early MCU revisions because of private SROM RAM area)
        __rom_type_sections_end_address = __data_end;
        ASSERT(__rom_type_sections_end_address < sram_used_by_boot_base, "ROM type sections are overlapping the area used by Cypress boot firmware. Check comment in linker file!")
        // The start of CM4 vector table is required by CM0+ application to correctly
        // set CPUSS->CM4_VECTOR_TABLE_BASE register before releasing CM4 from reset
        // Following statements also ensure that the created symbol has the correct alignment
      #ifdef _CORE_cm0plus_
          #if   defined(_LINK_flash_)
            __cm4_rom_start = ORIGIN(CODE_FLASH) - cm0plus_code_flash_offset + cm4_code_flash_offset;
          #elif defined(_LINK_sram_)
            __cm4_rom_start = ORIGIN(SRAM)       - cm0plus_sram_offset       + cm4_sram_offset;
        __cm4_vector_base_linker_symbol = (__cm4_rom_start + cm4_intvec_alignment - 1) & ~(cm4_intvec_alignment - 1);
        // These symbols will be used by startup.c / startup_customize.h for RAM ECC initialisation
      #if defined(_LINK_sram_)
        /* If "ROM type" sections are linked to SRAM they shall not be cleared by the startup code */
        __ecc_init_sram_start_address = __rom_type_sections_end_address; /* The __rom_type_sections_end_address symbol is a marker for the start of "RAM type" sections in SRAM */
        __ecc_init_sram_start_address = ORIGIN(SRAM);
        __ecc_init_sram_end_address   = ORIGIN(SRAM) + LENGTH(SRAM) - 1;
        // These special symbols mark the bounds of RAM and ROM memory.
        // They are used by the GHS MULTI debugger.
        __ghs_romstart = ORIGIN(CODE_FLASH);
        __ghs_romend   = ORIGIN(SFLASH_ALT) + LENGTH(SFLASH_ALT);
        __ghs_ramstart = ORIGIN(SRAM);
        __ghs_ramend   = ORIGIN(SRAM) + LENGTH(SRAM);


  • Hi Ronan

    I need some help converting linker file(LD) into scatter file. Attached the linker file. I need some input to convert into scatter file.


    /* __DISCLAIMER_START__                                                      */
    * (c) 2014-2017, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
    * or a subsidiary of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights
    * reserved.
    * This software, including source code, documentation and related
    * materials ( "Software" ), is owned by Cypress Semiconductor
    * Corporation or one of its subsidiaries ( "Cypress" ) and is protected by
    * and subject to worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
    * United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
    * Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
    * agreement accompanying the software package from which you
    * obtained this Software ( "EULA" ).
    * If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, nonexclusive,
    * non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the
    * Software source code solely for use in connection with Cypress' s
    * integrated circuit products. Any reproduction, modification, translation,
    * compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
    * above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.
    * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Cypress reserves the right to make
    * changes to the Software without notice. Cypress does not assume any
    * liability arising out of the application or use of the Software or any
    * product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does not
    * authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
    * failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
    * significant property damage, injury or death ( "High Risk Product" ). By
    * including Cypress' s product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer
    * of such system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing
    * so agrees to indemnify Cypress against all liability.
    /* __DISCLAIMER_END__                                                        */
    /* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
       This linker file needs to be preprocessed by GCC because LD does not support preprocessing.
       CMake build environment will take care of this!
    /* Check that necessary definitions are available */
    #if (!defined(_LINK_flash_)) && (!defined(_LINK_sram_))
      #error "Link location not defined or not supported!"
    #if (!defined(_CORE_cm0plus_)) && (!defined(_CORE_cm4_))
      #error "Target core not defined or not supported!"
    #if (!defined(CY_MCU_rev_a)) && (!defined(CY_MCU_rev_b)) && (!defined(CY_MCU_rev_c)) && (!defined(CY_MCU_rev_d))
      #error "MCU revision is not defined or not supported!"
    // Description of special symbols
    // sram_private_for_srom:
    //     The SROM code needs an area for private data during system call processing. It will
    //     not be accessible by user software in protection state NORMAL and beyond.
    //     So it needs to be excluded from the total SRAM available to the user. The location of
    //     this RAM depends on the MCU revision.
    // sram_used_by_boot_base:
    //     Cypress (ROM and Flash) boot firmware needs an area in SRAM (e.g. for stack). This may cause issues in case of
    //     RAM build configurations when code/const sections are loaded there by the debugger, but may get overwritten
    //     if reset is triggered by the debug script later on. So in case of RAM build configurations the linker should
    //     check if the area of ROM type sections overlaps the boot area.
    // sram_can_lin_boot_reserve:
    //     Cypress CAN/LIN Bootloader is entered only if several conditions apply (refer Architecture TRM, "Flash Boot" chapter).
    //     It will then use an area of SRAM for its data.
    //     This may cause issues in case of RAM build configurations when code/const sections are loaded there by the debugger,
    //     but may get overwritten if reset is triggered by the debug script later on. Therefore, this area shall be reserved.
    // ecc_init_width:
    //     Defines the most restrictive native ECC width (in bytes) of all "normal" memories (SRAM, DTCM, ITCM) in any
    //     Traveo II derivate in order to keep the startup code dealing with ECC initialization generic
    // Following symbol and memory area definitions are device specific
      /* Constants */
      #define code_flash_total_size        1088K
      #define sram_total_size              128K
      #define sram_base                    0x08000000
      #define sram_used_by_boot_base       (sram_base + sram_total_size - 6K)
      #define sram_private_for_srom        2K
      #define cm0plus_intvec_alignment     256   /* CPU specific vector table alignment requirement */
      #define cm4_intvec_alignment         1024  /* CPU specific vector table alignment requirement */
      #define ecc_init_width               8
    #if defined(_LINK_sram_)
      #define sram_can_lin_boot_reserve    512
      #define sram_can_lin_boot_reserve    0
    #if defined(CY_MCU_rev_a) || defined(CY_MCU_rev_b) || defined(CY_MCU_rev_c)
      #define sram_user_start_offset       (0                     + sram_can_lin_boot_reserve)
      #define sram_user_end_offset         (sram_total_size       - sram_private_for_srom)
      #define sram_user_start_offset       (sram_private_for_srom + sram_can_lin_boot_reserve)
      #define sram_user_end_offset         (sram_total_size       - 0)
      //                              USER CONFIGURATION
      /* Specify how much SRAM and CODE_FLASH shall be used by CM0+ application,
       * the rest of the memory will be automatically assigned to CM4 application */
      #define cm0plus_sram_reserve         (64K - sram_user_start_offset)
      #define cm0plus_code_flash_reserve   512K
      /* Specify stack and heap sizes for CM0+ and CM4 application independently */
      #define cm0plus_heap_reserve         512
      #define cm0plus_stack_reserve        1K
      #define cm4_heap_reserve             512
      #define cm4_stack_reserve            1K
      /* Calculation of SRAM distribution among all cores */
      #define cm0plus_sram_offset          sram_user_start_offset
      #define cm4_sram_offset              (cm0plus_sram_offset  + cm0plus_sram_reserve)
      #define cm4_sram_reserve             (sram_user_end_offset - cm4_sram_offset)
      /* Calculation of CODE_FLASH distribution among all cores */
      #define cm0plus_code_flash_offset    0
      #define cm4_code_flash_offset        (cm0plus_code_flash_offset + cm0plus_code_flash_reserve)
      #define cm4_code_flash_reserve       (code_flash_total_size     - cm4_code_flash_offset)
      /* Map core dependent definition to generic name for memory and section definition */
    #if defined(_CORE_cm0plus_)
      #define heap_reserve                 cm0plus_heap_reserve
      #define stack_reserve                (cm0plus_stack_reserve + (ecc_init_width - 1)) & (~((ecc_init_width - 1))) /* Ensure that stack size is an integer multiple of ECC init width (round up) */
      #define sram_offset                  cm0plus_sram_offset
      #define sram_reserve                 cm0plus_sram_reserve
      #define code_flash_offset            cm0plus_code_flash_offset
      #define code_flash_reserve           cm0plus_code_flash_reserve
      #define intvec_alignment             cm0plus_intvec_alignment
    #else /* CM4 */
      #define heap_reserve                 cm4_heap_reserve
      #define stack_reserve                (cm4_stack_reserve + (ecc_init_width - 1)) & (~((ecc_init_width - 1))) /* Ensure that stack size is an integer multiple of ECC init width (round up) */
      #define sram_offset                  cm4_sram_offset
      #define sram_reserve                 cm4_sram_reserve
      #define code_flash_offset            cm4_code_flash_offset
      #define code_flash_reserve           cm4_code_flash_reserve
      #define intvec_alignment             cm4_intvec_alignment
        SRAM         (rwx)   : ORIGIN = sram_base  + sram_offset,       LENGTH = sram_reserve
        CODE_FLASH   (rx)    : ORIGIN = 0x10000000 + code_flash_offset, LENGTH = code_flash_reserve
        WORK_FLASH           : ORIGIN = 0x14000000,                     LENGTH = 0x00018000         /*   96 KB */
        SFLASH               : ORIGIN = 0x17000000,                     LENGTH = 0x00008000         /*   32 KB */
        SFLASH_ALT           : ORIGIN = 0x17800000,                     LENGTH = 0x00008000         /*   32 KB */
    // Program layout
        // ROM type sections
      #if   defined(_LINK_flash_)
      #elif defined(_LINK_sram_)
        /* Note: .intvec must be the first section in ROM in order for __cmx_vector_base_linker_symbol to be correctly calculated! */
        .intvec : ALIGN(intvec_alignment)
        .text : ALIGN(4)
        .rodata : ALIGN(4)
        /* Special GCC ARM sections */
        .ARM.extab : ALIGN(4)
            *(.ARM.extab* .gnu.linkonce.armextab.*)
        .ARM.exidx : ALIGN(4)
            *(.ARM.exidx* .gnu.linkonce.armexidx.*)
        // RAM type sections
        /* >>> SRAM <<< */
        /* In case of _LINK_sram_ the linker (LD) would set the LMA of '.data' to its VMA (because both end up in the same memory region).
         * Therefore, the '.data' section needs to be the first one of the "RAM type" sections so that the '__rom_type_sections_end_address' 
         * can be correctly calculated and startup code will not ECC initialize the RAM area occupied by the .data section (since its content
         * would have been loaded by the debugger already). In case of _LINK_flash the '.data' section can be arbitrarily placed in RAM. */
        .data : ALIGN_WITH_INPUT
            . = ALIGN(ecc_init_width);
            . = ALIGN(ecc_init_width);
        .bss (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(ecc_init_width)
            . = ALIGN(ecc_init_width);
        } >SRAM
        .heap (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(8)
            __heap_start = .;
            . += ALIGN(heap_reserve, 8);
            __heap_end = .;
        } >SRAM
        .stack (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(8)
            __stack_start = .;
            . += ALIGN(stack_reserve, 8);
            __stack_end = .;
        } >SRAM
        .intvec_ram (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(intvec_alignment)
        } >SRAM
        /* Linker symbols for startup code */
        __data_lma   = LOADADDR(.data);
        __data_start = ADDR(.data);
        __data_end   = ADDR(.data) + SIZEOF(.data);
        __bss_start  = ADDR(.bss);
        __bss_end    = ADDR(.bss) + SIZEOF(.bss);
      #if defined(_LINK_sram_)
        /* Cypress (ROM and Flash) boot firmware needs an area in SRAM (e.g. for stack). This may cause issues in case of
         * RAM build configurations when code/const sections are loaded there by the debugger, but may get overwritten
         * if reset is triggered by the debug script later on. So in case of RAM build configurations the following
         * statement checks if the area of ROM type sections overlaps the boot area.
         * Comment the statement if the sections shall be linked there anyway.
         * A simple check is sufficient because the boot area is from SRAM_MAX-6KB to SRAM_MAX-2KB and it is unlikely that the ROM sections would only
         * start in the last 2KB (which are anyway not accessible in early MCU revisions because of private SROM RAM area)
        __rom_type_sections_end_address = __data_end;
        ASSERT(__rom_type_sections_end_address < sram_used_by_boot_base, "ROM type sections are overlapping the area used by Cypress boot firmware. Check comment in linker file!")
        // The start of CM4 vector table is required by CM0+ application to correctly
        // set CPUSS->CM4_VECTOR_TABLE_BASE register before releasing CM4 from reset
        // Following statements also ensure that the created symbol has the correct alignment
      #ifdef _CORE_cm0plus_
          #if   defined(_LINK_flash_)
            __cm4_rom_start = ORIGIN(CODE_FLASH) - cm0plus_code_flash_offset + cm4_code_flash_offset;
          #elif defined(_LINK_sram_)
            __cm4_rom_start = ORIGIN(SRAM)       - cm0plus_sram_offset       + cm4_sram_offset;
        __cm4_vector_base_linker_symbol = (__cm4_rom_start + cm4_intvec_alignment - 1) & ~(cm4_intvec_alignment - 1);
        // These symbols will be used by startup.c / startup_customize.h for RAM ECC initialisation
      #if defined(_LINK_sram_)
        /* If "ROM type" sections are linked to SRAM they shall not be cleared by the startup code */
        __ecc_init_sram_start_address = __rom_type_sections_end_address; /* The __rom_type_sections_end_address symbol is a marker for the start of "RAM type" sections in SRAM */
        __ecc_init_sram_start_address = ORIGIN(SRAM);
        __ecc_init_sram_end_address   = ORIGIN(SRAM) + LENGTH(SRAM) - 1;
        // These special symbols mark the bounds of RAM and ROM memory.
        // They are used by the GHS MULTI debugger.
        __ghs_romstart = ORIGIN(CODE_FLASH);
        __ghs_romend   = ORIGIN(SFLASH_ALT) + LENGTH(SFLASH_ALT);
        __ghs_ramstart = ORIGIN(SRAM);
        __ghs_ramend   = ORIGIN(SRAM) + LENGTH(SRAM);

