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How can I build code for CPU cortex-a55

The tool-chain I used is aarch64 and target cpu is cortex-a55, but existed compilation errors as follows.

/usr/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc test.c -o test.adx -mcpu=cortex-a55
cc1: error: unknown value ‘cortex-a55’ for -mcpu
cc1: note: valid arguments are: cortex-a35 cortex-a53 cortex-a57 cortex-a72 cortex-a73 thunderx thunderxt88p1 thunderxt88 thunderxt81 thunderxt83 xgene1 falkor qdf24xx exynos-m1 thunderx2t99p1 vulcan thunderx2t99 cortex-a57.cortex-a53 cortex-a72.cortex-a53 cortex-a73.cortex-a35 cortex-a73.cortex-a53 generic; did you mean ‘cortex-a35’?

Should I change another tool-chain to build code? Which tool-chain can be downloaded? Thanks.

  • Hi,

    cortex-a55 requires at least GCC version 8. It looks like you're using an older version than that.

    Arm doesn't provide toolchains for Linux target, this should be provided by your distro.

    You'll need to upgrade.

    Kind Regards,


  • Hi,

    cortex-a55 requires at least GCC version 8. It looks like you're using an older version than that.

    Arm doesn't provide toolchains for Linux target, this should be provided by your distro.

    You'll need to upgrade.

    Kind Regards,


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