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Error L6244E generated by ARMLINK after switching from ARMCC to ARMCLANG.


Currently, I'm working on the transition of a project initially compiled with ARMCC (for an ARMv7 architecture) and now compiled with ARMCLANG (for an ARMv8 architecture).

With ARMLINK, I get the following error:

Error: L6244E: Load region LOAD_TTB address (0x0000f800) not aligned on a 16384 byte boundary.

Below is the scatter file sample:

I haven't found any information (especially in the links below) on why this error occurs now and if this error is a source of faults when running a program. Or I can safely use “--diag_suppress=6244”.

Do you have a rough explanation to help me to understand, Why switching to ARMCLANG generates this error with ARMLINK?

In addition, can you highlight a related documentation?

Thanks in advance.


Arm Compiler for Embedded Errors and Warnings Reference Guide:

Arm Compiler armlink User Guide:
