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GCC 12.2 libc_nano exporting retargetable locking functions and data


While upgrading a project from the 11.2 to 12.2 releases of the GNU ARM Embedded toolchain, I'm encountering a problem:

This is due to the version of libc_nano included with the 12.2 release including the retargetable locking functions (the stubs?).  Is this a mistake?  They aren't weak so can't be overridden by the project to provide its own locking implementation.

These symbols were not exported by the 11.2 build.  They conflict with the newlib_lock_glue.c generated by STM32CubeMX for STM32 projects (in this case, an H7 project).  I thought these retargetable locking functions were supposed to be implemented by the user, and that a default implementation was not possible for a bare metal application.  What is the intention for projects to do to work with GCC 12.2 newlib_nano?