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ARM Compiler 5 emits assembly that overwrites pushed registers on stack

I'm currently developing software for an ARM Cortex-M4 MCU. We rely on a third-party SDK, which is not compatible with ARM compiler 6, therefore we still use ARM compiler 5.

I stumbled upon a weird bug occurring with both, v5.06 and v5.07 on Windows, when optimisation level -O2 is activated.

What I observed happens in the context of a large project and it seems rather difficult to construct a minimal example, so I just describe what seems to happen using "imaginary" code...

Suppose I have the following function:

Upon function entry, a PUSH {R0-R8, PC} is called. Now I would expect the compiler to update the stack pointer to reserve space for the local data structure, but this does not happen. Instead, the address passed to memset is [Stack Pointer + 4], which results in overwriting the pushed registers on the stack.

The calling function had stored a memory address in R4 before calling do_stuff(). Upon leaving do_stuff(), POP {R0-R8, LR} is issued and R4 now contains whatever has been written to the data structure at the particular offset, which corresponds to the stacked R4.

Has someone seen this behaviour or has a reasonable explanation for this? To me it kind of looks like a weird code size optimisation gone wrong. Just using PUSH with 10 registers to also reserve some space on the stack. Without more detailed knowledge of how the compiler/optimizer work, I would expect the compiler to not use PUSH to reserve space for local variables, but instead call SUB sp,sp,[number of required bytes] after the PUSH instruction (which is what the compiler seems to normally emit).

I did manage to work around the issue by using an initializer for the struct instead of memset(). This resulted in overwriting of stacked R0-R3 (instead of R1-R4), which *seems* to not cause any issues as the value in stacked R4 *seems* to be the only stacked data actually used after leaving the function, but this leaves me with quite an uneasy feeling as I cannot explain why/when/where this behaviour occurs and can cause any further issues...