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ARM Cortex A5 Issue - armasm "Need Licensing File"

Hi :)

I am a newbie in handling A5, and want to verify the operation of A5.

I am validating the RTL of ARM Cortex A5, CORTEXA5MP_vectors.

But, when I Orderd the command "make caputure", got message "armasm : command not found".

Through the content of the Arm developer community, I learned that I should get Realview.


However, I installed Realview, but armams return message "need license file".
(The exact message is "Cannot obtain license for Assembler")

To sum up, armasm doesn't work for A5 validating.

So ask for a solution. Specifically, I would like to ask the following questions:

1-1. I purchased Cortex-A5_MPCore_with_Neon_FPU_ETM,
       so is it possible to validate within the package configuration?

1-2. Or is there a demo that temporarily operates Realview?

2-1. In the Arm Developer Community,
       Realview is outdated and recommends Arm Development Studio.
       Is it possible to validate A5 with Arm Development Studio instead of armasm?

2-2. Or My team using Keil Compiler,
       Is it possible to validate A5 with Keil Compiler instead of armasm?

I need your Support, Thank you!


Ki Yul Ko(Fishten)

PS. I wrote the progress in the attached presentation file.

Question diary(20221228)_en.pptx