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Problem compiling on Mac M1

Former Member
Former Member

Hi, I'm trying to compile a project on a Mac M1 Mini (uname -m : arm64) with meson and I get this compilation error.

sse2neon.h:133:2: error: "Unsupported target. Must be either ARMv7-A+NEON or ARMv8-A."

#error "Unsupported target. Must be either ARMv7-A+NEON or ARMv8-A."

The error seems to come from undefined symbols, when I type "clang -E - -dM </dev/null" I can see the different preprocess define exist.

I tried adding -D __ARM_ARCH=8 directly to the compilation but it only solve the problem partially. I've been trying to solve this problem for almost two days to no extent.
If anyone has an idea (:
