Hey guys,
is using the standalone compiler valid usage with this license and in case it is, how do I get there?
The instruction page https://developer.arm.com/documentation/ka004977/latest does not list the MDK license.In Windows we copy our mapping file from the µVision installation folder into the mappings folder of the standalonecompiler and set the ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE and ARM_TOOL_VARIANT accordingly.This approach does not work in linux, instead this failes with the following message
armclang: error: Your installation could be misconfigured or corrupted. Check that your licensing and toolkit configuration is set up correctly, using the information available at: https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/software-development-tools/license-management/resources/product-and-toolkit-configuration. Information about this error is available at: http://ds.arm.com/support/lic86 General licensing information is available at: http://ds.arm.com/support/licensing/ If you need further help, provide this complete error report to your supplier or license.support@arm.com. - ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE: 'PORT@URL' - LM_LICENSE_FILE: unset - ARM_PRODUCT_DEF: unset - ARM_PRODUCT_PATH: unset - ARM_TOOL_VARIANT: 'mdk_cm_std_flex' - Product location: product not found - Toolchain location: .../ArmCompilerforEmbedded6.18/bin - Selected tool variant: mdk_cm_std_flex Product: unknown Component: Arm Compiler for Embedded 6.18 Tool: armclang [5e4cc700]
Appreciate any hints, thanks ;)