dear ARM,
We recently update AC5 to AC6. When using AC6, the size of output file (.a and .bin) are very diffent from AC5. Our compile option is:
--target=arm-arm-none-eabi -mcpu=cortex-r5 -O1 -fshort-wchar -mno-unaligned-access -mlittle-endian -g -mthumb
size differences are shown in below:
Please help us, thanks~
Hello, there is little I can suggest without visibility to your code.
Did you generate a symbol and/or map file for both builds to compare that everything is included in the AC6 build? The linker option --info=unused is also useful to see if anything has been discarded. See the below documentation:
If a more thorough answer is needed, please raise an official support case via the support menu above.